Speaking at 360Flex: Making Bling with Flex

I’m speaking at 360Flex next week, Feburary 25th at 4:00 pm. My topic is officially called “Big and Famous: How to Succeed as an Independent Developer”. My topic will cover:

  1. Why and how to become an independent developer
  2. Why and how to make money
  3. Why and how to build your personal brand
  4. Why and how to use Flex to make it all happen

I chose my topic for a few reasons. First, when I started working for myself, I knew jack, and had no one to help me. I flailed and failed on my first attempt. I don’t feel others should have to go through what I did. Secondly, the Flex market has gotten to the point where all the popular topics are taken; I need something unique, yet I feel represents me. Finally, I like speaking about a subject that will help others succeed.

Hope to see you there!

¿Como se 360Flex?

360|Flex Atlanta – February 25-27, 2008

This 3-day conference is the place to learn about Flex and AIR from
Adobe and community speakers. Sunday before the conference we’ll be offering an all day Flex 101 session, included in the price of registration. That’s right, a pre-conference all day training session on Flex. 360|Flex is the premiere Flex and AIR conference. We were the first Flex conference and we’re still growing and getting better. Don’t miss out, only $480 for an individual or $1500 for a 4-person team. More details can be found at http://360flex.com


14 responses to “Speaking at 360Flex: Making Bling with Flex”

  1. Tom Ortega Avatar

    So…does this mean you’ll be wearing one of McCune’s bedazzled 360Flex shirt beauties? :)

  2. Sean Avatar

    Brilliant idea. Wish I was coming to see it.

  3. Lee Avatar

    For those of us unable to attend is there a possibility you could provide a video of your segment? If not, good luck and wish I could make it to 360|Flex but my employers are cheap.

  4. […] Jesse Warden – Big and Famous: How to succeed as an independent developer […]

  5. […] see that Jesse and Ben just pimped their own sessions for 360Flex, so I might as well jump on the bandwagon. My […]

  6. Tim Beynart Avatar
    Tim Beynart

    I think the first lesson is not to spend $500 to have someone tell you how to make money. HA HA, just kidding. I am curious what you are going to say, I’ve been freelancing ActionScript for 8+ years now. Will there be a video of your presentation after the conf?

  7. Jassa Avatar

    Sounds awesome – pity I live in Australia and never get to go to these cool conferences. Are you going to be speaking at WebDU this year?

  8. Jason The Saj Avatar

    Hey bro,

    The 360Flex guys told us you were in the hospital…we all hope you’re feeling better soon!!!

    – The Dark Lord of the SWF

  9. […] about our different approaches on branding and marketing yourself. This session was in place of Jesse Warden’s originally planned session that was on a similar topic (although Jesse planned on covering a lot more content about the […]

  10. daniele Avatar

    If not the video, can you share the slides (if any)?

    thanks so much

  11. san Avatar

    your topic sounds really interesting.. please share a video or upload something to slideshare.net.. really appreciate it because its hard for me to attend such conferences outside my country :( hope you will help.. thanks

  12. David Avatar

    Hey Jesse,
    I saw over a at http://dougmccune.com/blog/2008/03/01/my-360flex-writeup/
    that there is a 215 page PDF of you slides for that session, any chance of downloading it somewhere?

  13. Fred Avatar

    You wouldn’t happen to have a transcript of your presentation would you?

  14. […] was originally scheduled to speak about Making Bing with Flex at the 360Flex conference here in Atlanta. I then got the flu, learned I needed to have an organ […]