Showing MovieClip’s Class via Jaysapee (JSAPI): Failed…

Dude, I suck. I tried to take <a href=””>Eric D’s</a> idea (showing a MovieClip’s class name when you click on it) to fruition, but no dice…

This code works via the command menu:
<pre>var s = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection;
if(s == null){
fl.trace(“There is no FLA open.”);
}else if(s.length == 0){
fl.trace(“There is nothing selected.”);
}else if(s.length > 1){
fl.trace(“Code only shows class
of one thing selected.”);
fl.trace(“Class is: ” +
However, when I put a variant of it in a WindowSWF using MMExecute, no dice. If I had an event I could pass to the WindowSWF when something is selected on stage (instead of using onEnterFrame at 1fps, or using onMouseDown manually), or if I could hack the Properties Panel’s XUL… I could get it.

Anyway, if anyone finds a way, Eric and I would be happy!

AS1 to AS2 Growing Pain #1: Roll your own class vs. Object.prototype

Two people in the past two days have had questions on the Flashnewbie list about how to do Object.prototype (MovieClip.prototype the most popular) equivalents in AS2. There are many people capable of finding this out on the list, but so far, we didn’t have an answer.

Tried myself a few times, and failed pretty hard; it’s easy to do that in programming. Waded through the ASCII jungle that is Flashcoders currently, and found Tatsuo equisitely explaining how to do it amongst a bunch of non-AS1 programmers who didn’t belong in the thread. Yeah, their coding styles are correct, but AS1 people have no idea why your explaining to do it that way as and AS2 people have no idea why Object.prototype was so widly used; only comes from experience, so the disconnect just added confusion to my research. Confirmed by working through it with my co-worker two seperate times, and finally feel I’ve got a feel on how to explain it clearly.

How you did it in AS1

EOLAS: Who gives a…

Alright, enough is enough, stop talking about this retarded subject! For crying out loud, this is stuipid, and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!!!

Someone once told me Microsoft had to remove IE from windows because of all those suits. It never happened.

Someone once told me search engines were going to go to a “you pay, you come up in a search.” Big companies were supposedly paying for this. So, if you searched for “ducks” on google, only those who paid would get a higher search engine placement. It never happened.

Someone once told me that a patent infringement case against Microsoft would remove plugins from working in web browsers the same, thus affecting the web in negative ways. From removing existing browsers from the market cause they cannot afford the patent infringement cost to negatively affecting the industry because web pages would be reduced to older technologies to get around the infringement. It will never happen.

Shut up and move people… there are a lot cooler things to discuss, like Flash 7, for example. It, for example, is a reality that will instatantiate change into things.

I know I can’t prevent it from coming up again in a few years when all the appeals get publicized, but I hope by then you’ll at least take them with a grain of salt seeing that NOTHING HAPPENED!