Category: Projects

  • Shared Whiteboard using Flash 8, Flex, & Flashcom: Map Revealer

    After reading this article about using Flash 8 in Flex 1.5, and failing to prove it wrong, I still figured I could blend the best of both worlds.


    I’ve always wanted a Map Revealer, like Fantasy Grounds has; here’s a screenshot. The goal it accomplishes is it allows players in the game to see where they have explored, but not the whole map until they’ve explored it. That way, they have a visual aide to track their progress, and it gives a sense of accomplishment to those explorers in the party. If you walk down the hallway (and don’t fall in a trap), then that hallway is revealed on the map.

    Taking ideas from my JXLScratch Off component, I tried to do this pre-Flash 8 by having about 2000 (20×20 10 pixel tiles) loaded on top of a large bitmap. You could, as the presenter (DM) toggle their visibility since they were just clickable MovieClips. Even at that low-level on my Alienware, though, she chugged. The redraw froze the app for 3 seconds. I’m sure I could of done 1 redraw and just synchronized it amongst clients, but… bleh, don’t think so.

    Now that we have the pixel pushing power of Director, with the addition of half-pixel support, I figured I could implement what I truly wanted; an anti-aliased fog of war that could be used to reveal a map to a list of clients connected, with the Presenter/DM controlling the revealing.

    The original Baldur’s Gate had a GIF transparency approach; pixel on, pixel off. It was actually more close to the Fireworks 1bit transparency you can do with single color images by making every other pixel transparent, alternating rows. You can see an example here.

    The sequeal improved it by making what you didn’t see solid black, revealing it with a nice, soft gradient transparency edge seen here, and re-covering visited areas with a transparent gray.

    Finally, I can do that in Flash!

    Whiteboards Rendering Engines, BitmapData, and Flashcom

    …then I hit a snag. You can’t send a BitmapData instance over the rtmp wire… although, you CAN send an image pixel by pixel! To me, though, that doesn’t count, heck with that.

    Most Whiteboards done in Flash consist of a rendering engine. They take shapes, and render them to the screen. Each shape is unique, and has attributes that are set when it is created and manipulated by the user. When those attributes are changed, they are sent over the wire so each rendering engine on the client can show the same whiteboard state. That way, you have small pieces of data, and when a new piece comes in, your code goes “oh, this is an ‘arrow’, it’s red, is so large, and sits at these screen coordinates.” This process repeats for when an object is manipulated, those changes are sent over the wire. If it’s deleted, those changes are sent as well.

    The pros? The data sent over the wire is extremely small since the rendering engine is capable of drawing a lot of objects (arrows, text boxes, drawings, etc.). The cons? Too many frikin’ objects… Flash Player has a lot of overhead (currently, hehe) when creating objects; that’s why when you create a lot of MovieClip’s, things start to slow down. RAM & CPU get ravished.

    What’s a bitmap? 1 object. Yeah, it’s a series of pixels, but showing 1 bitmap in Flash is cake, utilizes low resources, and if you change it, it’s still 1 bitmap!

    My Implementation

    Since you can’t shove it over the wire, though, I had to utilize the best of both worlds. I created a rendering engine based off of Senocular’s code, specifically the Erase & Draw’s example that will draw the changes to the bitmap based on a stored array of mouse movements. This has been done before by GE, but they utilized a vector line. While that certainly does NOT limit ones creativity, the presentation and ability to manipulate bitmaps has been more mature for awhile, and the implementation of such effects in Flash does what bitmaps do best; render well with low resource usage. While erasing the mask, or covering it back up again, I record the mouse movements. You can then run through this recorded array of x and y coordinates to redraw the bitmap exactly as the user did. The sending of the data over Flashcom wasn’t as latent as I thought; there is a noticeable delay, but considering I’m sending almost a thousand numbers in 4 arrays across, it’s not bad.

    Pros & Cons

    And now, time to tear it to pieces. First off, I do not record the order in which you erase and then re-draw, so if you swap the order, it doesn’t matter; the engine does 2 passes; 1 to do the erasers, and then 1 do to the redrawing of the mask you just erased. Secondly, I could of put a bunch of info objects into 1 array to make the code simpler, OR I could of put each object on a unique slot on the SO to allow the data changes to stream; however, to me, you typically draw the image, and when ready sync it so the rest of your viewers can see. I felt that was a reasonable tradeoff since you only throw that big message every once in awhile. Third, while the erasing of the image mask is a nice anti-aliased (smooth gradient) brush, the redrawing of the mask is not. Couldn’t figure out how to get it to work. Fourth, while “seeing the drawing draw itself” is a novelty, that wasn’t the goal; the goal was to update state and syncronize it across many clients. If you screw up and erase a part, it records that… so it’s not a perfect drawing engine. Finally, it’s a white mask if you are not the presenter; I wanted black, but putting the black color in there doesn’t work since it’s an alpha… or something.

    Whiteboard(s) In Our Future

    Anyway, after seeing what I could in a few hours after 2 nights, I can DEFINATELY infer what Breeze 6 will have; the most powerful and ubiquitious multi-user whiteboard on the internet. If Macromedia’s smart they’ll withold the key feature for Breeze, like they did with Screensharing for Flashcom, to allow BitmapData objects to be shared over Flashcom. The whiteboards out there currently for Flash/Flashcom are pretty good, but you ain’t seen nothing yet. Either way, if someone spent a few weeks on one… sick!

    Map Revealer Demo + Source

    Here’s my Map Revealer in action; 2 clients, 1 a presenter, and the other an attendee, share the Whiteboard over the wire. Source FLA + AS in ZIP.

    Map Revealer – See It | Source ZIP

  • CaptivatePlayer v1.1

    *** Updated to 1.2 ***

    Updated my CaptivatePlayer to 1.1. New features:

    • added continous playback. Defaults to true so that if a movie finishes, the next one plays automatically without the user having to click.
    • added looping playback. Defaults to false, but if set to true, when the last movie is done, it’ll play the first one again. (for those with Kiosk needs)

    I think I squashed a volume bug as well, but not sure. Additionally, I removed the flashvar settings in the default index.html file I provide; people were getting confused, and rightly so, about having the XML file and the HTML both setting different values. Now, just the XML configures the player.

    The nested-menus, localization, and splash screen features are going to take awhile. I tried doing nested-menus, but my first attempt met with failure. I’ll get them in eventually in a future release, it’s just that the need for continous playback was constantly asked for so I figured I’d hurry up and release this version.

    CaptivatePlayer v1.1 – Article | Docs | v1.1 ZIP

  • Flex: Star Wars Galaxies Resource Viewer v3

    Built v3 of my SWG Resource Viewer in Flex (1st @ 2nd Central, 3rd Flex). It’s basically an application that shows you a list of recent resources, data being served from community driven, that crafters in the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG can utilize to filter the results and see what resources are available. Since resource quality, types, and locations change weekly, and some qualties/types don’t resurface for months at a time, crafters from Amorsmiths, Weaponsmiths, and even Chefs like to know what’s what, and where since some things in game can’t be made without certain ingredients.

    As such, I tried my best to implement 2 filtering mechnisms in the huge amount of data; quality range & profession type. Quality range is adjusted by averaging the current numbers displayed in the columns currently visible, and showing only what matches the range set on the dual-thumbed slider. The 2nd is using an XML file to only show resources a certain profession cares about. Currently only weaponsmith is implemented because her majesty has a weaponsmith for 1 of her characters, and thus asked me to implement it. I’ve already been asked for a plethora of minor feature requests mainly relating to usability (saving colums, saving DataGrid widths, filtering via other professions, etc.). Not that I don’t already have enough open source software projects to work on (CaptivatePlayer, AMFPHP examples, personally modded-ARP) in my free time.

    Anyway, app’s there with source. I used some of ARP in Flex (made my own Controller class instead of mapping commands directly). Commands rock! Also, since I ripped the SWF out and lost all JavaScript, I had to use PHP to automatically write FlashVars tags based on what you set in the URL for get vars (was using PHP anyway to get the gzipped XML feeds). Flex by default uses JavaScript to parse out the URL, and setup _root/mx.core.Application.application scoped vars that you can utilize to init your application.

    SWG Resource Viewer v3

  • Flash, Flex, & AMFPHP: RSS Reader Example

    Wanted to not only learn bindings in Flex, but see how they compared to Flash in terms of actually using them and seeing their benefits side-by-side to Flash. The fact you can bind any property to any property of a GUI component rocks the mic!

    So, since both of these RSS reader’s hit the same AMFPHP webservice, I figured I’d just upload the source so you could see how to use Flash & Flex with AMFPHP since there aren’t many examples around on using either, ecspecially for using RemoteObject with something other than Java, in this case PHP via AMFPHP without using the Flex server. Additionally, this is a simple enough example in Flex to see how the bindings work.

    You’ll have to setup AMFPHP yourself as the SWF’s are not using the Flex server as a proxy, and thus will not work unless hosted on because of the security sandbox. Unless you spoof this, or use AMFPHP to actually forward the request (which is easy I believe), or just setup and run localhost.

    Here’s how they work:
    – Flash or Flex hits the AMFPHP gateway via Flash Remoting, and calls the getRSS1Feed method in a PHP class called RSSReader.
    – The RSSReader class’ method, getRSS1Feed takes 1 parameter, the URL to an RSS feed, and uses Magpie to parse it into a usable object. It then returns this object in the function.
    – AMFPHP sends the object back to Flash or Flex.
    – Flash or Flex then displays the RSS feeds and allows you to cycle through the blog entries.

    Needless to say, the Flex one was faster to build, and more fun!

    The Flash One

    The Flex One

    Files & Links

    Source Files

    Magpie PHP RSS Parser (his files need to be next to RSSReader.php in the AMFPHP “services” folder)


