Category: Projects

  • Central App: Stiletto MP3 & SHOUTCast Player

    This started off as an app I was gonna spend my newfound freetime on, as copying and surpassing WinAMP’s current incarnation is a nigh impossible, albeit daunting task. I love those.

    Well, then the contract work hit, then Flex came along, and the whole time I’m attempting to do homework so I can pass class. I’ve waited 3 weeks for my Yahoo account, but haven’t followed up simply cause I was busy. I know form the Central Dev list who to talk to… but at this point, I’ve got better things to do. This project I do want to continue when I have more time, but figured sitting on ice for 3 weeks doesn’t help those that might want to look inside. It’ll be awhile before this is anywhere close to being worth 5 bucks.

    She’s full of bugs, uncompleted functionalities, and she’s one hell of a memory hog after 30 minutes (adding to the 60 meg footprint your start with), but hey… there’s a reason I’m going to R&D vs. Developement soon, hehe…

    BTW, removed the Slider component from… uh… DRK 3? Just to confirm I’m not proliferating anything illegal, but you could make your own I guess. Anyway, the point isn’t to compile, but rather see the code. The good code is the PLS to DataProvider or whatever I called it. I used Sean Voisen’s approach to classes, Geoffrey William’s Central AS2 classes, and Grant Skinner’s GDispatcher. My disclaimers are that my structure does NOT follow the mx.core.UIObject/UIComponent framework correctly at all, and my base class wrapper is old, so disregard for best practices (not that you would look to me for guidance beyond what games to play). It’s my first time using a Pod, so be gentle…

    If you keep the pod open to listen to music, make sure you stop and start every 30 minutes… or you won’t be able to once Central laches hold to your virtual memory; at that point, it’s all over.

    Yes, I know the installation badge is offsetting my site mr/mrs designer head, werkin’ on it…

    Stiletto : Central MP3 and SHOUTCast Player – App | ZIP

  • Central: Dungeons & Dragons Character Creator

    I’ll be discussing this application as well as 2 others tomorrow night at my presentation (Building Flash and Central Applications). If you cannot make it, I’ll be recording it for later viewing.

    This is a developer beta release, and is strictly meant for developers to tear apart the code and learn from it. However, I’d still love to hear ideas or any other comments.

    Special thanks to Geoffrey Williams for his Central AS2 classes, and to Arul for his ActionScript 2.0 code highlighter service.

    App | Help | How It’s Made

    …I wish I was presenting this in Australia, too… I miss you guyz and galz!!!

  • D&D Dice Roller v1.1

    For those that asked for them, here are the changes.

    – can show the biggest and lowest dice, as well as exclude them
    – results come to top
    – results can scroll

    I added:
    – can put in a custom modifier (a plus 1, minus 1, multiple by 2)

    You can either update from Central, or install over v1.

    Download & Install

  • Central App: D&D Dice Roller

    Using the Central AS2 classes that I mentioned in my previous post, I built a simple component using AS2 in Flash MX 2004 exporting to Flash Player I turned it into an app so you could see it work (see bottom right of this page). Also, I’ve included the source files.

    D&D Dice Roller – <a href=””>HTML</a> | <a href=””>ZIP</a>