Ben Forta on Live Cycle Designer, Flex Integration, and Interactive PDF’s

Whoa, he’s back. Ok, talking about Interactive PDF’s. He’s got a scanned Accident Claim Form. He runs the form recognition wizard; it automatically draws blue boxes, which are editable text input fields, around the form lines. Smart! Crowd loves it.

He’s showing Live Cycle Designer. I’ve personally never seen it. Looks like … an Adobe product. He allows you to create interactive PDF forms with validation, etc. He shows how clicking on a Flash graphic that is interactive, a car, you can chose from a dropdown what part of the car was damaged, and how. Great use of Flash. However, what’s hot is that it automatically updates the data in the PDF… what what!

He’s showing Guide Designer which is a Flex app running in Live Cycle Designer; a wizard. It’s an MXML code generator to get your app started based on the form data. Crowd digs it.

It’s not available yet.

Ben Forta on ColdFusion, Scorpio

Ben Forta is discussing ColdFusion, specifically the back-end to the music application Sho Kuwamoto just built in 10 minutes. He is showing the Form Designer. Specifcally fields, columns, and the sequel that’s generated from that… I think, the man’s fast.

Apparently, it’s generating both the CFC’s, the required MXML for Flex 2, and compiling it… well, apparently not the compiling part, oops. Anyway, it appears to the be popular tech I’ve seen in the past with ColdFusion 7.0.2.

He’s teasing about Scorpio features cause he has little time. 50 new image processing functions like ImageDrawText… crap, screen faded out.

Sho Kuwamoto on Flex Builder 2 on a Mac and Illustrator Integration

Sho Kuwamoto is talking about workflow between Photoshop, Flex, and ColdFusion. Naturally, I’m really interested to hear about Photoshop integration. I have a feeling I’ll have to update my presentation, in a good way, tonight.

Sho is currently showing design integration with a design in Flex Builder 2. Guess what? He’s showing Flex Builder 2 on a Mac!

He’s showing MovieClip creation of symbols with Scale 9 in Illustrator. He’s setting instance names in Illustrator and exporting to SWF. He then goes in the CSS, and maps the states of the Button component, like up, over, down, to the MovieClip symbol inside the SWF he exported. Upon refreshing you can see the art previewed inside of Flex Builder 2.

Crowd digs that Flex Builder 2 is on a Mac!

Flash Integration with Photoshop, After Effects, and Sound Booth

Mike Downey just showed the new Photoshop’s dockable panels like Flash has. Additionally, they can minimize now to a smaller version. He is also showing the new Flash 9 interface. The crowd enjoys the importing of PSD’s natively into Flash 9 via the new Photoshop importer dialogue. I know this was showed before, but she looks different. Flash 9 has an updated GUI; the interface is softer, looks more put togeter… like.. you know… Adobe’s style.

He’s also showing after the content is embedded it is respecting the Photoshop effect layers. Since it utilizes Flash Player’s built in layer modes, it saves file size.

Steve Kilisky elaborates on the future of After Effects. It’s all… dark gray. He’s showing the puppet tool. It’s like a wooden doll that has pins on the joints. Everytime he moves a pin, it makes a keyframe. It’s got an image mapped to this set of pins, so you can make the image dance; pretty hot, reminds me of path text, but it’s got skew I think.

It seems to somehow to update in Flash… I have no caffeine me, so I can’t really elaborate. Another thing is After Effects can batch export FLV’s, and yes, has native support for the FLV codec with the alpha channel supported.

Whoa… Mike Downey is role playing with Steve as a real client. I’ve gotta get Downey in our yet to be played D&D game!

New audio tool? What what? “Sound Booth”? Hrm… looks really simple. Mulitrack. Similiar interface to the new After Effects. Has a “task” based workflow.

Mike Downy asks for less guitar and more cowbell.

Sound Booth will be on Adobe Labs this week. I’ll be sure to unfairly compare it to ACID, SoundForge, Logic, and Reason of course, hehe.

Mike’s showing the imported FLV from After Effects with the alpha channel. Looks good; puppet’s got moves.