Presenting on Flex 2 Thursday @ the Atlanta Macromedia User’s Group

I’ll be presenting on ActionScript 3, Flash Player 8.5, Flex Builder 2, and the Flex 2 Framework at this Thursday’s Atlanta Macromedia User’s Group. I won’t be covering Flex 2 Enterprise Services, but will briefly touch on Blaze (Flash 9). If you don’t know what Flex 2 is, check out Christian Cantrell’s excellent breakdown.

A quick summary, Flex 2 is a collection of technologies to empower developers to create Rich Internet Applications utilizing the rich media & collaborative capabilities of the Flash Platform for both Enterprise and smaller scale developers. If you are a backend developer (PHP, Java, .NET, ColdFusion, etc.), Flex 2 is the web front-end technology for you. While Flex isn’t necessarely advertised as the migration path for existing Flash Developers, it is by me.

Come witness a glimpse of the future of RIA development.

WHAT: January Meeting of the Atlanta Macromedia User Group
WHO: Jesse Warden presenting the Flex 2 Alpha
WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 2006, 7:00 PM
WHERE: Pagaea (
1082 Huff Road N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318
NOTE: The Kitchen Is Closed! No food will be served!
DIRECTIONS: Google your own!

Java DevCon 2005: RIAs w/ Flex & J2EE

Dan Glauser, Leif Wells and I will presenting at the all day Java DevCon 2005 this Wednesday. Leif and I personally won’t be there all day as we have work to complete, but will we answer questions, group & individually.

Leif and I will be showing how Flex is the phatest presentation tier ever invented. We’ll be going over what we feel the enterprise Java community wants and needs to see based on reactions from the last AJUG meeting, my readings from community lists, and from talking with various developers. Case in point:

  • What Flex is, where it fits into your workflow, and why you should care.
  • What Flex has to offer, how it trumps other presentation tier frameworks, and all the nitty gritty stuff like the components, validators, and good ole’ xml tags and code.
  • How Flex talks to the backend.

Dan will take off in the 2nd half where Leif and I leave off, filling in the technical gaps from a Java developer’s perspective, describing what is going on in the backend.

If you’ve got questions about Flex, please come and talk to one of us. I personally love to chat about technology, want to spread & describe the coolness that is Flex, and look forward to learning from others in the field.

Hope to see you there!

Da 4-1-1!


WHAT: The Atlanta Macromedia User Group User Group April Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, MAY 5, 2005 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
WHO: Justin Beals – “So you want to start a business?”
Leif Wells – “FAME: What it is and why you should be using it.”
WHERE: Sidereus Group Conference Room
600 Embassy Row
Atlanta, GA 30328
(written directions below)


So you want to start a business?

I had a long discussion with Justin Beals about folks I knew who were returning to their freelance-working ways. It’s been a long time since our economy has been preforming well enough that the thought of starting your own business wouldn’t completely freak you out. At the end of that conversation, Justin said “I hope these people know what they are in for.” I said “Why don’t you tell them?”

Justin Beals, owner of Roundbox Media — a company that has thrived over the past five years — will let you in on some of his successes and failures at setting up and running an business in the interactive industry. If you are serious about starting to freelance or starting your own interactive shop, bring pad and pencil (and perhaps a helmet) to this illuminating session.


FAME: What it is and why you should be using it

Jesse Warden coined the name: Flashout, Actionscript 2 Plugin, MTASC Compiler, and Eclipse. Now I am a convert. If you are sick of using the Flash Actionscript interface to develop serious Rich Internet Applications (RIA), then take notice! Tired of needing 20 windows open just to get all your work done? Need an integrated environment where you can edit Java, Actionscript, XML, and also view your server’s

Leif Wells, your AtlMMUG Manager, will show you how to streamline your development process by using a few Open Source tools (and a couple of inexpensive add-ons). We’ll take you through the somewhat complicated process of installing these items and then show you how to make it work for you.



From GA-400, take Exit 5A for Abernathy Road. Head East (toward
Perimeter Mall).
Take a LEFT at the first light after GA-400 on Peachtree-Dunwoody Road.
Take a LEFT at the brick sign that reads “Embassy Row”.
Building 600 is on the RIGHT and you may park anywhere and enter from
the front or back.
The meeting will be on the first floor.
The doors will be locked, but people will be watching the doors. If
you are late and need to be let in, please call my cell phone at