MXDU 2005 Presentation Notes

Here are my presentation notes from MXDU 2005. I don’t have much explanation about the code, but the gist is I’ve provided 3 Flash examples of how to get stock information into Flash:

  • Screenscraping with AMFPHP
  • Using a webservice
  • Using Flashcom which uses screenscraping with AMFPHP

The Flashcom version does not have all the bells and whistles that concrete the point of it being a superior way to garner data from your Model tier by doing 1 database hit, caching the data, and reducing redundancy by pushing to mulitple clients, nor scaling the frequency of those updates to clients. If it did, I’d sell it since any would pay for a technology to effectively turn 10,000 database hits a minute to 1 big one across a cluster with all clients getting pushed data in real-time… wouldn’t they?

Additionally, my speech wasn’t recorded live since I didn’t have an AV whatever adatpor for DVI, so it’s recorded later, here in the states since I had to turn it in for Speech class.

I’ve included my presentation FLA file so you can see how it’s built as well as my slides in PNG format for easier viewing. I’ve used the MediaDisplay component’s addCuePoint functionality (although I could of used the Component Inspector which has a nice Flash interface for me to do this, I was in a hurry, and did it via code… yes, I know, that sounds backwards).

Please note the comment about Flashcom on devices is incorrect; I currently do not know of a device that supports Flashcom, Flast Lite wise, and I’m not sure if Flash 6 or Flash 7 for Pocket PC supports Remote SharedObject or not.

MXDU 2005 Speech – ZIP

MXDU 2005 Notes – ZIP


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