There’s a known issue with Alert’s in Flex, using the application level alert, or When you do:
function initApp() { ref ="test", "", Alert.OK, this, Delegate.create(this, onAlertClose), null, Alert.OK); } function onAlertClose() { ref.deletePopUp(); }
The Alert’s background will stay around. In my investigations, he’s an mc in a very low negative depth. Removing him forcely messed up my app. Matt Chotin then recommended using a doLater. Upon doing so, it fixed my problem. I guess the invalidation routines co-chillin’ deep in the depths of UIObject remove the rect. ::shrugs::
At any rate, if you do this instead:
function onAlertClose() { doLater(this, "killPopup"); } function killPopup() { ref.deletePopUp(); }
It works good.
Took me 3 days to work through that mess; here’s to you not having to do so.
3 responses to “Flex Chronicles #5: Alert Drama”
Thanks for writing these. I feel like I’m in the trenches w/ you as I’ve recently dove into the the sea of Flex development.
What is the benefit of using that type of alert vs using alert(‘My message’, ‘my title’);
The application level ‘alert’ function does 2 things differently than the static ‘show’ function of the ‘Alert’ class:
– first, and most important, it returns 0 upon success, some other number if it did not. This means that the only way to dismiss the alert is by user interaction. I need to have the option of dismissing the alerts via code, hence me using the, which returns a reference to the alert created vs. an error code.
– secondly, it removes the parent parameter, and swaps the icon and defaultButton parameter locations to be in a more programmer-friendly order
Good to know. Thanks.