Tag: Flash

  • How to Use RobotLegs On Top of Gaia: Part Deux

    Robotlegs has been released for awhile, and things have changed over the past 7 months for the better.  A major discovery at how the Flash IDE can compile metatdata has recently come to light, so it’s time for an update to this topic which hopefully supersedes both my old way of using Robotlegs in the Flash IDE, and Helmut’s way.

    The following article describes what Gaia and Robotlegs are, why you would use them, and how you go about using them together.


  • Steve Jobs on Flash: Correcting the Lies

    Apple has posted Steve Jobs’ “Thoughts on Flash“. There are a lot of lies and half truths. No one will care. The article has enough valid points that people won’t check up on them.

    That said, here’s my attempts to correct the lies.


  • Apple’s iPad, HTML5 Video, Gaia Flash Framework – JXLTV – Episode #3

    				JXL TV Episode 3

    I talk developing for Apple’s new iPad, how you can use your existing video to play on it. Also the Gaia Flash Framework’s history with a quick summary of what she does.


  • 1 vs Many, Mediator vs Presenter, 30 mins – JXLTV – Episode #1

    				JXL TV Episode 1

    Jesse talks about 1 class vs. many classes, the Mediator vs. Presenter pattern contest on Twitter, & the 30 minutes a day tactic.
