JXL Downunder

<a href=”http://www.daveallbritton.com”>Dave</a> from Atlanta, GA, USA (a highway exit up from me with a better cable connection), was watching my live webcast from Australia and taking screenshots every 5 minutes or so… mainly when I described a subject with body language. Here is the compiled set of images. Can’t you just tell I love this stuff!?

<a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/images/JXL%20Downunder.jpg”>JXL Downunder</a>

FScrollBar Mod Update

Dude, this is so phat. I got the FScrollBar to look and act just like the Windows XP scrollbar. I am optimizing file size currently. <a href=”http://psychlonex.dyndns.org/”>John</a> is almost done with his OSX skin. All that is left is to implement the redrawing code for the OSX version, and we are tight!

Flash usability studies already underway?

Credit to <a href=”http://www.mediadiva.net”>her majesty</a> for sending me this story.

<a href=”http://news.com.com/2100-1040-976586.html”>http://news.com.com/2100-1040-976586.html</a>

Macromedia <a href=”http://news.com.com/2100-1040-930301.html”>hired</a> Jakob Nielsen awhile ago to help with usabiliy in Flash. However, nothing that I ever heard came of those studies. Today, though, I read this article.

I think this point from the article is very important:
“I think we’re seeing that because it’s easier to do these Web applications, you’re getting people who haven’t done a lot of applications before and may not know much about user interfaces and other elements,” said Nielsen.

It’s fantastic that Macromedia truly has made things easier for people to make the web what they want it to be. And, just like the articles comparison, there is a lot of responsibility in taking a web app project on. By having that ease of creation, it’s important that you understand the usability issues involved in design.

All the more reason to step up efforts educating and helping people like going to speak at more conferences and replying to more emails on the lists.

I just wish that <a href=”http://www.nngroup.com/”>goob and his cronies</a> would hurry up their studies and get <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com”>MM</a> to publish their findings!

Issues, yo… was that English?

If this guy escapes the bouncer at my next LAN party, I am NOT playing Counterstrike with him!

Thanks RaZor… that made my day.

<a href=”http://planetquake.ingame.de/personal/ypna/crappy_dust2.mpg”>crappy_dust2</a>