Macromedia Central: Efficiency Rhetoric

Reading <a href=””>JD’s article</a> on <a href=””>MM’s site</a> about Macromedia Central. Something that I thought, to me, was the most interesting thing of the article was the section titled <b>Playing nice with other apps</b> on his questions section. There is a quote in that paragraph talking about how your movie could run slow because of another movie taking all the resources (120fps, for loops running in a 0 millsecond interval with updateAfterEvent).

“…The ‘politeness’ of the first year’s tools may have a big effect on how popular the overall technology becomes…”

A ton of opinions…

Macromedia Central

When I see the new Macromedia Central logo, even though it does follow the design style of the rest of the their products, I still think of:
– Sci Fi Channel
– WipeoutXL

I swear, dude, most of my apps made for that will be free. BTW, here are some links from Bryan Rice posted on <a href=”″>Flashcoders</a>.

<a href=”” target=”_blank”>Macromedia</a>
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”>Yahoo</a>
<a href=”″ target=”_blank”>ITNews</a>
<a href=”″ target=”_blank”>CRN</a>

Flashcom 1.5

Macromedia’s Flash Communication Server MX 1.5 is out. Co-inciding with the Flash Forward, I reckon. You can try the developer edition <a href=””>here</a>.

Additional features…

How I code @ mach-2

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