Category: Gaming

  • Crimson Room

    Via Peter Hotchkiss @ Flashlounge.

    I’m still trying to find the 2nd battery…

    …anyway, neat little Flash first person role-playing game. My favorites are the ‘All Your Base‘ translations. Love it.

    Crimson Room

  • Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

    Purchased this game Friday, beat it Sunday. I did not dig this one as much as the first one. The original writer was a genious with metaphors, and at the same time could bring you into the riveting story with 3 images and a voice-over. I’ve seen about 10 minutes of one Soprano’s episode, and I can confirm that New York gangsters really do cuss… but I didn’t think it was necessarey to add realism to the game by empowering the thugs to curse. I felt it detracted from it, merely because if someone is shooting at you, they are bad by default; you don’t need a dirty mouth to confirm that. The reload spin that you perform while in Bullet Time while cool, doesn’t really technically do much. Maybe I’m missing some other move(s) with that, as I skimmed through the instruction book, but I didn’t see the point. Making a sequel to anything is challenging, and the expectations were high. I must admit that the graphics were fantastic this go around, although, my settings must of been lowered because the explosions and fire weren’t as good, nor the audio. Still, the game was fun, but doesn’t hold a candle to the original masterpiece.

  • Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

    It seems to me, this game is merely capitalizing on the popularity of the original, and taking advantage of a better graphics engine for re-packaging. Now, I admit that the speed at which a game is created vs. evolution of gaming technology, I’d be surprised why I haven’t seen more of this. It happens all over the Gameboy market in that games that were for Nintendo were re-packaged for the Gameboy, and then Super Nintendo for the Gameboy Advance, etc.

    Personally, I’d prefer they just go make the new one instead of re-coding the old one; but I realize there is money to made, and many who have never played the game would love to see it with the updated graphical engine. I think this a way to make more money off of the brand while they bide their time making the updated one for the new Playstation. Course, they is relative, because whoever made the original could of sold the rights similiar to how Max Payne 2 went down.

    …at any rate, even though I don’t agree with the execution… I’ll still buy the damn thing.

    <a href=””>Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes</a>

  • How to unlock your Force Sensitive Slot w/out Grinding

    Your Friday OT, brought to you by <a href=””>Erik Bianchi</a>.

    <a href=”″>How to open your Force Sensitive Slot w/out Grinding</a>

    In Star Wars Galaxies, you have master some professions to open your Force Senstive Slot which allows you to create a new character which is a Jedi. Sometimes, the profession you have to master requires a serious amount of crafting items, and to realistically do so, you’ll be creating these things for hours on end, generally called “grinding”.