Category: Central

  • Shared Libraries in Central: Part Deux

    Alright, here’s the skizzy:
    – if I toggle to another app or My Applications, and then back, Central will show my changes to my app file
    – if I toggle to another app or My Applications, and then back, Central will <b>NOT</b> show my changes to my shared library used within my app file. I have to reboot Central.

    Those working with agents should be used to this; however, if your utilizing Shared Libraries, something to watch out for.

  • Shared Libraries in Central: Part One

    When using Shared Libraries in Central, you have to manually include the file’s in your application’s product XML file via the file html tag with the src attribute to the file on your website, absolute.

    I must have glazed over this in the documentation as I was wondering why my Shared SWF’s weren’t getting installed.

    …however, this still doesn’t explain why they don’t work in my app. I tried changing the export frame, changing the swf path to the website path instead of locally, and a few other things, but still no dice. Maybe I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

  • Central Song DEUX

    Not to be outdone by <a href=”″>a fellow Flasher kickin’ his Central song</a>, <a href=””>Eric D</a>, here’s my submission using ACID & SoundForge.

    Break it down…

    <a href=” DEUX (JesterXL vs. Eric D).mp3″>Central DEUX (JesterXL vs. Eric D).mp3</a>


    Occasionally Connected
    Losers Rejected – User Accepted

    Gotta a Pod List, Agents Underground
    Gotta an update? Hit that sound

    Gotta MD5 ma kin kind
    onDeactivate, SO my mind

    Halo, below, mad style, a kilo

    I’m threw,
    upload, install dat shit,
    bring dat dough yahoo”

  • D&D Dice Roller v1.1

    For those that asked for them, here are the changes.

    – can show the biggest and lowest dice, as well as exclude them
    – results come to top
    – results can scroll

    I added:
    – can put in a custom modifier (a plus 1, minus 1, multiple by 2)

    You can either update from Central, or install over v1.

    Download & Install