Category: Central

  • Central App: D&D Dice Roller

    Using the Central AS2 classes that I mentioned in my previous post, I built a simple component using AS2 in Flash MX 2004 exporting to Flash Player I turned it into an app so you could see it work (see bottom right of this page). Also, I’ve included the source files.

    D&D Dice Roller – <a href=””>HTML</a> | <a href=””>ZIP</a>

  • Central AS2 Classes: by Geoffrey Williams

    Both he and I like to work with AS2, even though were exporting to Flash and Central is AS1’ish. This allows you to write components for Central using AS2 and have all the syntax checking, etc. If there is at a later date a namespace conflict, or Macromedia comes out with an official one, you can easily remove these as they are packaged in an MXP.

    Thanks for all of your hardwork this weekend, Geoffrey!

    <a href=””>Central AS2 Classes</a>

    Read on for full namespace classpaths…

  • Central vs. RIA’s: What does Central give you that an RIA does not?

    There are a few talented developers out there that don’t really get what Central gives them beyond a traditional RIA running on a website. Maybe these’ll help.

  • Flex, Central, and Filesize

    Thoughts relating to posts about Flex, and “targeting broadband users”.

    Reference URL’s: