Compile Whore: FLA on a Tab Corner

Dude, for real, that’s all a FLA is now. Got deep into Flash last night redoing some of my tile-based game tests. If your designing strictly an app, or a seriously dynamic one, all I have been using the FLA for is compiling, or putting a single breakpoint to start the debugging trail. I pretty much toggle to my class files, and then just hit the FLA to run it. Granted, for the smaller stuff, you really don’t have much on _root, but for bigger projects you would probably use _root extensively; SOMEONE has to start it off, and for me, _root’s usually the controller, even if just attaching a master component.

However, some things that need improvments:
– because I’m coding in the IDE, I should be able to put a breakpoint in my AS file; doesn’t have to be saved, but the IDE should know this (worked with Director’s external ls files)
– having to toggle back to the FLA to compile blows; anyone know a keyboard shortcut mod?
– rebuilding classes over and over again blows; when is someone gonna make an XUL window using JSAPI that mirrors VB 6’s Class builder?

I guess for that last one, it’s gonna be me if no one else does, but I got too much going on… come on… someone?


5 responses to “Compile Whore: FLA on a Tab Corner”

  1. g.wygonik Avatar

    regarding point 2 : i put all my .as files into a project, set the FLA to the project’s main file, and then i simply click the “test project” button in the Project Panel – saves having to switch back to the FLA tab…


  2. JesterXL Avatar

    Right on, I’ll have to try that; thank you!

  3. g.wygonik Avatar

    there’s probably some way to set a command to do the “test project” click, and then make the command a keystroke… but that’s way too involved for my behind-schedule brain (thanks to the current flashlounge threads ;-)


  4. jettwein Avatar

    control-alt-p… it’s already there!

  5. Muzak Avatar

