FScrollBar Traction

Someone on the <a href=”http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/”>Flashcoders list</a> had <a href=”http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/ezmlm/ezmlm-cgi/1/66171″ target=”_blank”>posted</a> about having Macromedia make the components they used on their new website available. During the conversation, Scott had mentioned he was trying to get the Windows XP traction piece on the Flash scrollbar. I offered up a solution. Not an end all, be all, but a mod none the less. The file can be downloaded on the left, “<a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/downloads/Scrollbar%20Traction.zip”>Scrollbar Traction</a>”. Basically, I add another movie clip inside the scrollbar, and position it when the scrollbar changes. I have commented in the code where I added code.