<a href=”http://www.actionscripts.org”>ActionScripts.org</a> is hosting a <a href=”http://www.actionscripts.org/press/archives/000183.shtml” target=”_blank”>component contest</a> for a copy of <a href=”http://www.multidmedia.com/software/flashstudio/”>Flash Studio Pro</a>.
<a href=”http://psychlonex.dyndns.org/”>John</a> and I are working on a mod of the FScrollBar to not only emulate Windows XP and Mac OSX, but it will detect which OS your on, and use the appropriate my skins. Still trying to figure out how to do a Linux version; I got Red Hat on my other comp, but no idea how to use it, hehe. I’ll try my damndest to give him the copy of Flash Studio Pro because I just wanna win. However, I think my boss at my work has us both beat…