XIFF Component Icons Entry

I just submitted <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/downloads/jxl_XIFF_Icons.gif”>my entry</a> to the <a href=”http://voisen.org/archives/announcements/000215.php”>Voisen.org XIFF Icon Contest</a> to win a copy of <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com/special/drk/?promoid=banner_softwarehome_drk3_050703″>DRK3</a>.

Central: Demo a Flashcom App?

Ok, how in the heck would I go about this? I thought about it pretty hard last night. Basically, I have another app I want to make for Central. However, it would require Flashcom. I thought of 2 ideas:
– either I have a demo server I purchase from <a href=”http://www.mediatemple.net”>Media Temple</a> which supports about 50 connections. This allows an average of 5 instances of the app to be live since I’ll allocate 5 connections max per app. That means 5 people can demo the application for a month. I’d either have to sell 1 app per month for $70 to recoup my investment. I don’t think the market is that big.
– setup a monthly fee, factoring in the Flashcom account into the price. I’d charge a $30 setup fee, and then $15 a month (which pays for the Flashcom account). I wouldn’t have to sell any to recoupe my investment.

The problem with the above is that Ultima Online, Everquest, and a few other games cost $10 a month while mine is simply a prog to allow you to play a game with 1 to 5 other people. Most people wouldn’t play more than 4 times a month, and then only for one long day or night.

I don’t see how this could work. Unless there is cheaper Flashcom hosting out there, it seems my only option is XMLSocket, but I have no clue how much hosting for that is, and I’d lose a lot of the features I want in my app.


I feel like I’m aiming for a niche market. I don’t know if that’s bad or what. I mean, my goal isn’t to make money, but enable people to play D&D with people on the internet. I’ve seen a few products out there, and need to research more, but it just doesn’t seem cost effective. Hrm… business stuff is hard.