Category: Technology

  • New Laptop Falters at the Starting Gate

    Her majesty and I just opened her new Alienware laptop. She’s currently on the phone with tech support trying to figure why her 1, 5, and 0 keys do not work to input in the Windows XP serial #. I’m sure it’s something trivial; this 15 1/2 inches wide, 11 1/2 inches long, 2 inches thick, and 14 12 lbs behometh is going to be a blast carrying through 3 security checkpoints on my way to Sydney for MXDU 2005.

    At least it boots fast… and the power button and alienhead glow!

    :: hears Peldi’s disapproving sigh ::

    Done. Turns out those #’s are not in Windows XP serial #’s. It’s fun to type in numbers, then flip the laptop high into the air to read the #’s underneath it Verdana 4 point, and repeat the process for each section of #’s.

    I’m sure it’ll regain it’s respect once her majesty caps some dudes on Counterstrike Source, and I brag about her 120 fps at full settings.

  • Something I Noticed at New Years Eve

    *click* *click* As soon as we toasted champagne, and everyone downed whatever they were drinking, those who weren’t double-fisting whipped out their cell phones (excluding those who already had their cell phones out), and started taking pictures. I’ve never seen that before.

    Someone always has a camera, and sometimes a video camera… but everyone at the party was doing it! Pretty neat to see the change.

  • The Cost of Not Being Connected

    I can’t afford not to be connected in order to perform my contracting responsibilities. Had an interesting effect of that cost from another entity negatively affecting me.

    Brought my car (formerely her majesty’s) into the shop for her 30 & 40k mile checkup + new tires. I got out of class early, but still ended up waiting for 3 hours whilst they operated. Best excuse ever to watch Coneheads on Comedy Central as the news in the newspaper was pretty lame and no good tech mags.

    Last night, my headlights didn’t work. I burned my brights all the way home. It was pretty funny; if I didn’t have my ligths off, people flashed theirs at me. If I had my brights on, people flashed their brights at me. I’d rather them see me then not, but felt bad as many people in their driving patterns of encircling me, quickly getting over, etc. were obviously irritated.

    Turns out, Honda had a recall on 2k1 Civics that the headlights could go out while your driving. The shop I was at, however, couldn’t connect Saturday (so they tell me) to see any recall updates. Therefore, they didn’t catch it.

    So, I’ve lost 1 hour and 30 minutes this morning in contracting time. Since I get paid hourly, their lack of internet access caused me to lose some income that I could of garnered. Naturally, I never actually owned the money, therefore it’s more of an opportunity that I didn’t attain rather than a loss; however, as far as I’m concerned the money was in the bag, therefore, I still consider it a loss. Because it was a recall, I didn’t get charged for parts and labor, but still lost money in the hours I didn’t log at work.

    This is the first time I can remember that not only did I lost money because I wasn’t connected, I also lost money because someone else wasn’t. I need one of those phones so I can connect my laptop to at least get email. I have enough pockets for another device to add to the 50.

    It’s just neat to see how things have come full circle. It costs to be connected; it costs to be setup; you can’t afford not to be connected; your lack of being connected costs others.

  • Buffering

    The only thing this is missing is little spy camera’s all along the sides complete with docking clamps on file extensions, topped with a muscled arm squeezing a stick of RAM…

    …or just a pile of dung. Take your pick. At any rate, this made my Friday. I know, doesn’t take much.