Fun With Node, Restify, and JSON Web Token

I describe why Node matters to me, then go over some code. Feel free to skip to the code.


The 2nd tech I got to play with on my vacation was Node, the middleware Restify, and wiring up JSON Web Tokens for authentication.

Today, I wanted to cover what I learned building a sample application. Specifically why Restify over Express, static vs API hosting, some of the basics I didn’t know about REST API’s, CORS, Promises with Bluebird, routes, and my changed attitudes towards API development.
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Fun With Polymer 1.1


I’ve spent the past 2 weeks of my vacation playing with JavaScript, Polymer, Node, Express, Restify, and Mongo. Today, I wanted to cover the fun I had with Polymer, Google’s web UI component framework, contrast it with other frameworks, and give my general impressions. From this you’ll have a firm understanding of what Polymer is for, how to use it, and what things to watch for.

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JavaScript Transpiled Languages


JavaScript is now the assembly of the web. Rather than wait on language innovation in the design by committee web standards world, many choose to use more advanced languages and tooling to develop in, that then compile to JavaScript.

Transpilers, also known as source to source compilers or transcompilers, are used to translates source code to another form of source code. They are popular and numerous, not just for JavaScript, but also for C, and many other languages. In this article I cover why they are valuable for JavaScript developers, give details on the popular ones in the community, and go over the use case workflow for each.

I’ve chosen 6 of the most popular JavaScript transpiled languages used for client web application development:

  1. CoffeeScript
  2. TypeScript
  3. AtScript
  4. ClojureScript
  5. ES6 to ES5
  6. Dart

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