Category: JavaScript

  • AWS Adventures: Part 1 – Lambda

    AWS Adventures: Part 1 – Lambda


    At the beginning of October, I started a new project to help my team move a 12 year old application to the cloud. I knew next to nothing about Amazon, or their infrastructure offerings called AWS. In the past 3 months I’ve learned a ton. Today I wanted to share what I’ve learned about Lambdas: Functions you run in AWS.

    Also known as serverless architecture.

  • Functional Programming for OOP Developers: Part 2 – No Errors and Getting Things

    Functional Programming for OOP Developers: Part 2 – No Errors and Getting Things


    In my journey to learn functional programming and drink deep of the kool-aid, I wanted to share my latest learnings. Specifically around the quest for no errors and how you get things.

    I’ve also just recently applied these same concepts in Python, not just JavaScript, so I’ll mix and match the examples to show how the concepts are universal.

    After reading this article, you should understand why errors aren’t helpful embedded in your code & avoiding them is good and why we use functions to get things instead of the old way of assigning variables. Check out the first article if you missed it.

  • Functional Programming for OOP Developers: Part 1

    Functional Programming for OOP Developers: Part 1

    Yeah yeah yeah, tl;dr; and show me the code, yo!


    I have been learning Functional Programming over the past year with a friend of mine. We’ve both cut our teeth on finding who to learn from, what articles are useful, and what actually translates into your day to day programming job. I’ve also learned a lot of natural problems that arise as you start a new project from scratch with an OOP background, or if you’re refactoring some OOP code to be more functional.

    In this article, I wanted to share some of what I learned. Specifically what functional programming is, why it matters, how to use pure functions and list comprehensions in the real world. While I use JavaScript in this article, I’ve learned that the concepts and libraries supporting it are available in many programming languages.


  • Why Rewrite InsertBackendHere to Node?

    Why Rewrite InsertBackendHere to Node?

    There are always fads, but sometimes the fads have reasons they are fads. Question from a reader:

    “I’m fine re-architecting our various software applications used internally using Backbone/Angular for the front-end. However, why would I use Node for the back-end when my Spring MVC SOAP Java business layer works just fine?”
