Disconnect a User

While awaiting Sam, Branden, and Brian to mosey through a Sydney street fight, broken bottle and all, Steve and I discussed how to disconnect a user while outside the club, Cargo in Sydney. Since I also read on the Flashcom list somebody was asking about this, I figured I would post some code I had. Dirty, but it works…

Flashcom Installation Woes

Holy phish, there appears to be no QA with the Flashcom installer. Friends running the <a href=”http://www.mxdu.com” target=”_blank”>MXDU conference</a> <a href=”http://www.australia.com” target=”_blank”>here</a> hooked me up with a demo CD so I could get the bloody Flashcom documentation. Read my gotchaz…

NetStream.send saves in FLV, see?

Finally looked at an example file <a href=”http://psychlonex.dyndns.org/” target=”_blank”>John Robinson</a> sent me to show me how NetStream’s can save their send events in the FLV file. It was on my desktop so long, it was growing mold.