One Question (2, sir)… *ahem*, Two Questions:
First off, is linking to a site from my site that really isn’t relevant ok merely because we are increasing our page rankings? I consider this a waste of time because the site that inquired (not the spam one, but a real company) that I link to them, some multimedia business I’ve never heard of in Oz. At first, I was like, “Fine, remove your link to me… see if I care…”. But then, I do tend to get a lot of my business from Google it seems, so maybe it’s in my best interest? All it would be is a link to their site, probably in a “Multimedia” category of my page. Is this morally and ethically ok even though the site itself really has nothing to do with my site? The end result, I think, is to boost page rankings. Am I not contributing to the same thing Blog spam is, or am I merely making a good business decision by doing so?
Secondly, I swore back when I was in college I’d never put a frikin’ banner ad on any of my personal sites. As an American, I get assaulted 24×7 with ads and marketing. The last thing I want to do is add to the overload that people visiting my site would get had I implemented even just the small Google Ad bar. If I’m not promoting something of value personally, then I feel it’s kind of stupid. Like, I have no qualms about putting a WinAMP, Flash Plugin, or DirectTV banner ad on my site, because I think all of them are cool, and relevant. Whether I make money isn’t the point; I support those products, I like those products, I use those products and can vouch for them. The Google Ads just seem like a way to get cash, and capitalize on the amount of traffic a website gets. Maybe it’s a wasted resource I’m not utilizing, but there are, to me, serious implications with putting a banner ad on my site, mostly personal. I don’t know…
I’m just looking for thoughts from the community (I know the Ozzie’s are asleep now, but I’ll wait).