Website Cross-linking & Google Ads?

One Question (2, sir)… *ahem*, Two Questions:

First off, is linking to a site from my site that really isn’t relevant ok merely because we are increasing our page rankings? I consider this a waste of time because the site that inquired (not the spam one, but a real company) that I link to them, some multimedia business I’ve never heard of in Oz. At first, I was like, “Fine, remove your link to me… see if I care…”. But then, I do tend to get a lot of my business from Google it seems, so maybe it’s in my best interest? All it would be is a link to their site, probably in a “Multimedia” category of my page. Is this morally and ethically ok even though the site itself really has nothing to do with my site? The end result, I think, is to boost page rankings. Am I not contributing to the same thing Blog spam is, or am I merely making a good business decision by doing so?

Secondly, I swore back when I was in college I’d never put a frikin’ banner ad on any of my personal sites. As an American, I get assaulted 24×7 with ads and marketing. The last thing I want to do is add to the overload that people visiting my site would get had I implemented even just the small Google Ad bar. If I’m not promoting something of value personally, then I feel it’s kind of stupid. Like, I have no qualms about putting a WinAMP, Flash Plugin, or DirectTV banner ad on my site, because I think all of them are cool, and relevant. Whether I make money isn’t the point; I support those products, I like those products, I use those products and can vouch for them. The Google Ads just seem like a way to get cash, and capitalize on the amount of traffic a website gets. Maybe it’s a wasted resource I’m not utilizing, but there are, to me, serious implications with putting a banner ad on my site, mostly personal. I don’t know…

I’m just looking for thoughts from the community (I know the Ozzie’s are asleep now, but I’ll wait).

9 Replies to “Website Cross-linking & Google Ads?”

  1. I personally wouldn’t do it, simply because I like prefer search engines to actually index based on content and relevance rather than be misled by every Tom, Dick and Harry trying to make a quick buck or two by manipulating their search engine rankings with filler text and irrelevant links.

    I have no problems with promoting sites, software, persons and companies that I personally like or do business with–even to the point of adding links to them, “Powered By” references and even unobstrusive ads.

    But to link to completely irrelevant sites just to exchange linkages–that, in my book, is tantamount to polluting the global information space. I honestly think this is essentially no different than going to your local library and scribbling your business’s name, phone number and address inside some books.

    Closer to home, I’d be more likely to do business with a person or company that has both a good understanding and respect for the way things work, rather than someone who’s obviously trying to game the system through rather shady means for their own personal gain to the detriment of everyone else. Then again, that’s just me.


  2. Very ‘honest’ thoughts tho :)
    I’m a macromedia affiliate. I use macromedia products on daily basis and I want to promote those products. Regarding comissions, the macromedia affiliate program is working VERY well for me! Seriously!
    And I also decided to add ‘google ad sense’ to my site because in one hand there are people providing commercial solutions that could be interesting; in the other hand, I want to go flex in the future for my personal sites.
    When I read someone’s blog with google banners, I click (tab) on those banners to learn about those solutions or even I just click to support bloggers. Blogs are improving my knowledge every day, and sometimes I wanted to donate (paypal, amazon, etc.) to those blogs…
    Just my 0,02 cents.

  3. I am with you on ads of any type. The only time I premote something is when I have personal experience with it. In the past I have had companies send me a version of their software and ask me to review it on my blog, and I have. I think thats different than an ad, I am adding valuable comments on the product…not just saying “buy it so I can cash in” Thats just me though, I don’t keep a blog to make money or even offset the cost of keeping it up. I do it for 3 reasons. 1. a good way to get my voice out there, 2. its a hobby, 3. It helps establish me as an expert in the industry (although I haven’t been posting lately ;) )

  4. dude you probably already know the answer to that one. You are after all, “smarter than the average bear”. Go on, join the rest of us and sell out ~ it’s profitable and chicks dig phat wads of cash not to mention the near orgasmic attraction of a lethally sharpened bizniz mind twinned with a slam down hip-ass street style that says u in the house gettin paid like trump.

  5. I already have profit from my job and contract, so there is no need to sell out.

    I’m getting married, so the desire and need to impress betty’s is wilting ever so quickly.

    ‘Course, I dig good impressions…

  6. …well, ok, I always want more dough.. I need faster toys. And nothing wrong with showin’ a little playa-playa even though I’ve tapped out of the game.

  7. dude you probably already know the answer to that one. You are after all, “smarter than the average bear”. Go on, join the rest of us and sell out ~ it’s profitable and chicks dig phat wads of cash not to mention the near orgasmic attraction of a lethally sharpened bizniz mind twinned with a slam down hip-ass street style that says u in the house gettin paid like trump.

    Whoah.. that sounded like you, and hey.. I still need to be impressed :)

  8. No way.. no ads on my personal sites either. Cramps my style, usually doesn’t match with the design (if not always) and generally shows a poor image of the site owner. It would be like putting stickers on the outside of your house advertising for K-mart or something like that.. sure you may get a tiny bit of money for anybody that said “I saw it on that house” but it’s not significant enough to make me want to do it. Is it a pride thing? or a morals thing? or a policy thing?

  9. OK, I know this goes against the point of the post, but it’s in the title so guess I’ll comment. When it comes to google ads, I don’t think they’re technically supposed to be on most personal sites anyway. Lotsa people do, but I think it goes against their usage “rules” in most cases. I agree in that ads seem a bit misplaced in personal sites and blogs. I have no problems in putting them on community sites though. But although I solely run some community sites, I don’t consider them personal by any means, mostly because I’m not expressing an opinion on them so there’s nothing personal about it. :)

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