Author: JesterXL

  • Spreadin’ da word to da next Gen

    Had the opportunity yesterday to speak to a local middle school for Career Day. I spoke from about 8:30am to 11:30am to 6 classes, consisting of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Was a great experience!

  • Inheritance

    I just learned this evening why Flash’s inheritance sux. OMG, wtf…

  • FLoadingBox Gotcha

    Found a gotcha in using the FLoadingBox. This applies to FMessageBox (inluded in Component Set 2) and any other Box derivative I’m sure. Read on…

  • Loading Box: setAnimationState

    Looking through the FLoadingBox from Component Set 3, DRK #1, and noticed in the docs, there is a link to “setAnimationState”, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Digging in the code, it actually is just a way to pass in true or false and it does the same thing as “startAnimation” and “stopAnimation”.