JXL.getAge() == 24 & Reference Panel Side Treks

I turned 24 Saturday morning while the birds were singing next to a rushing stream with a curled dog at my feet and a fine uber-geek chica at my side and homies on the other side of the river. I got some phat gifts:
– The Transporter on DVD
– A Speak-i-fier: basically, a suction cup with audio input that turns any surfact into a speaker
– an Atari joystick that hooks into your TV’s audio in/video in, takes 4 AA’s, and has 10 old-school Atari games on it
– a nice D&D’ish T-shirt from <a href=”http://www.thinkgeek.com”>thinkgeek.com</a>

I have the bestest friends, yo.

<b>What to do while waiting for the Reference Panel to open</b>
For those of you on XP, I list some things to do while your Reference panel opens in Flash MX:
– get up for a new drink and to rest your eyes
– launch WinAMP and pick a song
– start dinner
– follow up on un-read emails
– clear off your desk of trash
– stretch
– check <a href=”http://www.fullasagoog.com”>Full As A Goog</a> for new entries

Central Revisited

Listening to this <a href=”http://marketing.product.breezecentral.com/p45237277/” target=”_blank”>Central presentation</a> (done in <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com/software/breeze/” target=”_blank”>Breeze</a>, btw). It felt so good to hear the statement Lea Hickman made during the presentation at slide 10, 00:50 seconds in, “…basically builds a front-end to the PriceGrabber web service…”.

Moving Forward with Web Standards

<a href=”http://www.mediadiva.net/mt/”>Her majesty</a> get’s recognition for all of <a href=”http://www.cingular.com”>her hard work</a>. She’s still working, mind you, but I like to see when people actually get credited for following standards since all you every hear is people clambering for those to follow them and not rewarding them when they do.

<a href=”http://www.zeldman.com/daily/0403a.shtml#ap2103″>http://www.zeldman.com/daily/0403a.shtml#ap2103</a>


<a href=”http://together.hollowcube.com”>Together</a>, brainchild of Michael E. Gunn of <a href=”http://www.hollowcube.com”>Hollowcube</a>, is in it’s beginnings, the best of times for any new ambitious project. Michael has brought together a bunch of talented individuals, with different skillsets, to help create a new product for the upcoming Macromedia <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com/software/central/”>Central</a>.