RealPlayer Sucks, Flash Video Rules- Co-starring Guy & JXL

My long-running irritation against Real has inspired my homies across the planet in Melbourne, OZ… or, maybe not inspired, but rather provided a fitting target for Real’s arse in the face.

Regardless, it has a happy ending; Guy and I pimp out to watching Jackie Chan use a ladder to beat people up streaming over the internet while Flash drops the hammer. Thanks for the grapes!

Flash 8 Animations by NectarinePart 5 of 6: “Video”

* Update: Holy cow, Guy and I screencapped the exact same section! Pimp co-ink-ee-dink!


4 responses to “RealPlayer Sucks, Flash Video Rules- Co-starring Guy & JXL”

  1. Leif Avatar

    We were watching that at the office yesterday. You’re so famous!

  2. Kenny Bunch Avatar
    Kenny Bunch

    wha? dude when do i get to be a cartoon?

  3. Jack Avatar

    The Cartoon is great, but It not was Mr Real but Mr Quicktime in the cartoon :D