Flex Chronicles #10: Installing Flex on Windows XP Using Tomcat & Apache

I can’t believe it, but I got it to work with some major help from Flexcoders (thanks Andrew Spaulding and Simon Jenkins!).

I’ve never installed, re-installed, toggled services on & off, and tweaked my router & networking settings so much in my life. I can’t believe server people actually like this stuff. I just want a SWF…

Another night of gaining respect and appreciation for server-side Java developers, amen.

  • First, I downloaded Flex 1.5, installed with my Non-Commercial Serial Number.
  • Second, I installed Apache Tomcat 4.1.30 (since 5.5.x, and 5.0.x wouldn’t start). Additionally, I had already installed the Java 1.4.2_06 J2E… runtime thing, and the JAVA_HOME was already an environment variable.
  • I copied my flex.war and samples.war to the Tomcat/webapps folder and it automatically extracted them.
  • I then tested my local samples via http://localhost:8080/samples, and it worked cool (I actually typed about 50 combos till I found the right port)
  • However, my server computer wouldn’t accept web traffice from my Alienware, which are both behind my router. So, I port forwarded 8080 on my router to point to my server box.
  • Then, I turned my Windows XP firewall off on my server box.

She works, but my server is sooooooooo slow to compile my Flex apps vs. my Alienware running JRun. At least now I’m legal.


One response to “Flex Chronicles #10: Installing Flex on Windows XP Using Tomcat & Apache”

  1. Andrew Spaulding Avatar

    Hey Jesse,

    Glad you got it all working dude!! Also glad I could help ;)
