Office Maker RIA

Via Abdul Qabiz @ Flashlounge.

I love Isometric stuff and this has level editor written all over it. This Flash RIA allows you to build a room, preview it with cost + room specific information, and then onto an assessment. Dig it.

Office Maker


One response to “Office Maker RIA”

  1. Abdul Qabiz Avatar

    Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for posting the link over here. I would like to say a few words on it. This app was made for IPAS(BECTA, UK) by Tata Interactive Systems and it was my first project here :)

    This is a ICT suit which helps schools and teachers to design a computer class room for students of different standards(Keystages).

    More details can be seen here If you read the description then you would really enjoy the ICT Simulation :)
