Framelabel Panel by Tony

Homeskillet Tony MacDonell @ <a href=””></a> made this phat little Flash Panel using JSAPI to jump between frame labels in a Flash movie, very similiar to the Scene panel, but this one you can use without feeling dirty!

<a href=””></a>

Some suggestions I made were:
– provide an error for duplicate frame labels
– differentiate either via different listboxes or an icon if it’s a label, anchor, or comment


12 responses to “Framelabel Panel by Tony”

  1. julio Avatar

    great! this feature has been in director for a while. I’ve always wanted it in Flash. thanks Tony!

  2. Karim Avatar

    Yes – Thanks you Tony!. And now for the suggestion: it would be nice to have the component as a tree, where scenes would be root nodes, and their labels the leaves. . .

  3. Scott Boms Avatar
    Scott Boms

    Can’t get it to work on the Mac… Is this a Windows only extension? Any chance of getting the MXI and raw files? Or just the files with a note on where they go.

  4. JesterXL Avatar

    From my understanding, MXP’s are dual platform. Does it not show up in your list of optional windows?


    Window > Other Panels > [TEK] – Frame Labels


  5. Alvin Avatar

    This is very cool. Great job.

  6. Scott Boms Avatar
    Scott Boms

    No, doesn’t even let me install it. It comes up saying “This extension package is not compatible with this version of the Macromedia Extension Manager, you need a newer version of the package of the Extension Manager. Please visit the Macromedia Exchange website to obtain a copy. The extension will not be installed.” I’ve got version 1.6.062 which I thought was the latest. I am going to check for a newer version…

  7. JesterXL Avatar

    If after updating, you still have problems, let me know.

  8. Scott Boms Avatar
    Scott Boms

    Ok, same version that I’ve got installed is the latest according to the MM site, but now I get Invalid Extension file when trying to install it. Not sure what’s going on. I’ve had this before; actually with other extensions from Tony from the Flash Extensibility site. Bit of a bummer.

  9. JesterXL Avatar

    Screw it, I’ll send you the SWF offlist.

  10. JesterXL Avatar

    …er, off blog.

  11. Derek Vadneau Avatar

    “From my understanding, MXP’s are dual platform.”

    Yes, but FLAs aren’t. A component built for PC/Mac is only compatible for both when you include the FLAs for both. Plus you have to indicate it in the MXI.

    That’s why the Exchange indicates what platform a component is.