JSAPI Library “Item” Property bug?

I seem to be getting incorrect return values from JSAPI via MMExecute for the following Item object property on Compiled Clips:
– linkageExportForAS

The property determines whether or not the symbol in the library is exported for ActionScript (so you can use attachMovie using it via its linkage name). I’m getting a string of “undefined” returned, but all compiled clips that I can see are exported for ActionScript by default. The other properties, like “linkageExportForRS” work as expected; “undefined” if not capable of being checked, false if not checked. I’ve tested in my Window SWF and as regular JSAPI being run via the Command menu.

Is this a bug? Can anyone else confirm?


One response to “JSAPI Library “Item” Property bug?”

  1. JesterXL Avatar

    Interesting thing to add; if you uncheck the Export for ActionScript checkbox, it then returns false.

    <a href=”http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/mx2004/jsapi/item7.htm”>http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/mx2004/jsapi/item7.htm</a&gt;