Ok, since this was a pain to make complicated and I got it working simply, I figured I’d share so you only have to go through pain doing more than I did. …not that I want you to go through pain, but it certainly makes the pleasure more worth it. At any rate, check this sample. I made a custom cell renderer for the DataGrid so I could have it render HTML hyperlinks. I tried using the TextArea to no avail, but a TextField works just fine!
Cell Renderer – <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/cell_renderer/”>HTML</a> | <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/downloads/cell_renderer.zip”>ZIP</a>
Update: Jared, you may be able to use getCellIndex to get the itemIndex, and if it’s odd or even, change the display of the renderer to an alternate color. Hope that helps!
You could’ve just used my LabelCellRenderer class, probably without any modification. :-)
Son of a… I remember that post, too! I already borrowed your Date Formatter, should of grabbed that too while I was there. Thanks for that.