Flashcom Server Management API Documentation

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I took the <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com/support/flashcom/administration/admin_api_manual/” target=”_blank”>Server Management ActionScript Dictionary</a> for Flashcom and made an MXP out of it via Muzak’s tool, and Candace Cottrell’s formatting help. This should help all of those Flash Developers trying to build custom monitoring applications for Flashcom server admins.

FCS Admin API – <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/flashcom/adminapi/index.html”>HTML</a> | <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/downloads/Admin%20API.mxp”>MXP</a>

5 Replies to “Flashcom Server Management API Documentation”

  1. Nice addition to the reference window…though when using ‘window -> Flashcom Admin API’ I’m getting an error the html file can’t be found… I’m on a mac 0S x.2.6 — Josher

  2. I’m working on that very issue. I should have a solution by Sunday. In the meantime, plase use the Reference Panel documentation until I can update the location.

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