Flashcom User Type Component

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This component allows you, as an admin user, to set the “type” of a user. It works within the Component Framework of FCS 1.5 as well as SimpleConnect on the client side. Granted, there are a lot of “developer” friendly things that I did not add, but as you can tell from my lack of posts, I’m burnt out. However, a developer I was working with had a need for this, and since I started on it based on his need, I figured I’d at least put up what I had.

What needs to be added is basically the default (server-side script) needs to default to “Participant” and then the client-side component needs to default to “admin”, similiar to how the Presentation SWF works.

FCS User Type Component – <a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/downloads/user_type_component.zip”>ZIP</a>