Site Updates

– modified and added Flasher links
– added blog Aggregator sites
– added Flash sites
– updated my contact information

TODO: Update my CSS to utilize strict font sizes so font size in browser will not distort my site like it does currently.

The links that I have on the side are sites I actually visit on a normal basis. Although I do visit and read certain blogs and other sites, I do not visit them enough to warrant me linking to them. If I have gained from a site in even a small way, I will link to it in hopes someone else will.


2 responses to “Site Updates”

  1. Philter Avatar

    I’m not sure if you see this, but on my machine (IE 5.5), the left column overlaps with the main content column, so that the first few letters of every line in the content column are not visible.

  2. JesterXL Avatar

    I do, and thank you for telling me.

    This has to do with my TODO. Some people’s web browser font size is set to large, or largest, causing my left column fonts to change. I need to change my CSS to be a specific font size, and not “small”. I’ll fix by this week.

    Anymore errors, please let me know!