DataProvider Update

First off, here is the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>gModeler</a> XML file that made this possible:

<a href=””>gModeler DataProvider XML</a>

Thanks again <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Grant</a>!

It won’t generate the exact XML Doc files for I had to tweak those a lot.

3 Replies to “DataProvider Update”

  1. Any chance you could tell us how to install this? I installed the .mxp file into the Flash Extension Manager, but have no idea what to do with the .xml file, or how to find the data.

  2. Once you install the MXP file, the DataProvider Documentation will show up in the Reference Panel in Flash MX. If you had Flash MX open while you installed it, you will need to close and then re-open Flash. Open the Reference Panel, and go to FUI Components and then DataProvider.

    The XML file that you can download works with Grant Skinner’s gModeler program.

    <a href=””></a&gt;

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