Sales Chronicles #1: Holy Fish I Suck at Sales


In trying to grow my business, I’ve realized I need to either A) hire a salesman or B) learn sales.  A isn’t working out, so I’m picking up the torch.  I wanted to write out today what I’m doing wrong in hopes to help other freelancers, contractors, consultants, and those wishing to grow their business.  These don’t have anything to do with software. Instead they have to do with engaging with clients.

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When You Do It Right, And On Time

Tim Oxley posted on Twitter a common frustration I experienced for 5 years.

If I rush it, there are errors, if I take my time to get it right, it takes too long. I hate this industry.

Around 2005, I stopped having this problem. Whether that’s the 10,000 hours rule, or the 5 year rule (can’t find citation, but it’s out there), that’s when I stopped hating my code after I wrote it. I clearly hadn’t mastered programming, nor Flash, yet life was a lot more enjoyable when a task/milestone/project was complete.

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