For those who need the presentation slide decks and/or code from my Mobile Gaming: Corona SDK and Adobe AIR work shop and/or the Refactoring presentation, they can be found on my Github project for them.
Tag: programming
Five Lies They Tell You in Software
The following are 5 things I wish someone had told me back in January of 2000.
- The User is the Most Important Thing
- If You Don’t Evolve, You’ll Die
- Using OOP, Design Patterns, Frameworks, and TDD with the Right IDE Will Solve All Your Problems
- You Can Code Something Right The First Time
- There is a Clearly Defined Career Path in Programming
Corona Game Example: OOP, Scope, and Box2D Collisions – Part 1
I took a break from working on another side project to devote my Sunday and part of my Monday to playing more with Corona. Specifically, I wanted to:
- Learn how to do better OOP in Lua
- Learn how to extend the base Corona GUI classes like Group
- Learn about collision detection via their Box2D implementation
Mutha-grabbin success.
I set out to re-build 1942. It’s the perfect Corona game in that it has a lot collisions, sprites, and simple bitmap animations. I want to talk about what I learned in my 2 days. If you’re not familiar with Lua and know some ActionScript, hit my Lua for ActionScript Programmers Crash Course and check out a more simple example first. Here’s a quick sample video. You can download/follow the code on Github.
Lua for ActionScript Developers: Crash Course
I needed a break from Flex for mobile, and wanted to see if there were any other good application frameworks that allowed you to deploy to multiple devices beyond Adobe AIR. Tony Lukasavage had written about a few recently, and Matt Guest had written about his quick experience using Corona for games based on the buzz around Robert Nay, the 14 year old who knocked Angry Birds out of the top mobile game slot via Bubble Ball.