Below, I describe my experiences with Ext JS after the Sencha Fast Track training, my challenges with doing browser based work in a consulting context, and my thoughts on why it matters to Flex Developers.
Continue reading “Sencha Ext JS is Viable Technology Choice for Flex Developers”
RIA Unleashed 2011 Presentation and Code
For those who need the presentation slide decks and/or code from my Mobile Gaming: Corona SDK and Adobe AIR work shop and/or the Refactoring presentation, they can be found on my Github project for them.
RIA Unleashed 2011
Just wanted to give a post mortem on RIA Unleashed 2011, a conference up in Boston run by the FITC crew. Specifically I wanted to mention some thoughts on gaming, JavaScript, and leadership.
I’m glad I went to RIA Unleashed this year. First year run by the FITC crew who always have their act together. I always like the crowd in Boston. This year was different for a few reasons.
Using Flash to Skin Flex Components
I’ll add more later… busy…