I Will Not Write a Book

I keep getting emails with offers to write a book, or to help contribute in writing a book. While I’ve entertained the idea of doing a chapter (or 3) on Cairngorm, that’s just what it is, and will always be; an idea that I have no intentions of bringing to fruition.

From my experience and talking to others in the Flash community, books pay jack both in lump sum payout and royalties. This is compounded with insane amount of time and energy it takes to write a good technical programming book, especially in a hot market right now. I could spend 4 months making shit money on a book that has a shelf life of 1 year with pathetic royalties NOT improving my skill set… or I could spend 4 months making hundreds of dollars an hour writing code improving my skill set.

Gee, hard decision.

Not only that, but finding technical editors, good ones who know ActionScript AND have time to proof read your chapters and test your code, is impossible. I know from personal experience, I was a technical editor for 2 books in 2005 and 2006, saw the challenge to get chapters checked even with a good amount of technical editors. I sucked at it, and felt horrible after words. Did I mention I didn’t get paid as a technical editor either? Not that I deserved it. Oh wait, a free book… um… I make that in 10 minutes of coding. Ungrateful bastard, I know. Seriously, who do you know that is good at ActionScript and is NOT busy as hell? Thought so. How do you make them not busy? Offer a higher rate than their next gig or just get lucky that they somehow feel the need to add technical editor to their resume.

If you are a publisher reading my blog thinking that I’m a decent “candidate” to consider for authoring a book, while I appreciate your consideration, move on. The only book I want to write is only half technical, and have no clue if it would sell.

…then again, I did get burnt out pretty bad at the beginning of 2007, quit consulting, and played Gears of War on my XBox for 3 months straight unemployed… I don’t recall that positively affecting my skillset although I did meet a lot of cool whacko’s on XBox Live. *ahem*.

Ok, in that case, if someone can justify why it’s career advisable (…yet another resume bullet point does NOT count), how to get these publishers to front decent bling (aka, I can make $85 to $120 an hour contracting/consulting independently, non-firm associated right now for reference), and how to sell them on my whacky ideas I think would sell, then I might consider it.

I mean, just because someone wrote a book doesn’t make them impressive to me. I’ve read some really bad Flash and programming books as well as some bad ass ones. There seems to be this benefit that if you write a book, you’re immediately perceived as an expert, even if you really aren’t, which is complete bs. Then again, there is something insanely pimp and philanthropic, and therefore self-fullfilling, about pouring your heart, soul, and knowledge into a writ for the pure goal of helping your fellows. Seriously, on the fence big time. Guy Watson and I think alike on this (at least he and did 3 years ago :: shrugs :: ).

I’d argue spending one’s time coding, working on open source, and blogging, even if aforementioned tasks are done independently, are worth booku’s more to your personal career in both time, less stress, and money, both short and long term. Am I wrong? Naive?

Mix n Mash 2k7, Bill Gates, Web, Blend, and Silverlight

I had the honor of being 1 of the lucky 10 invited to attend the Mix n Mash 2007 event held by Microsoft. This is the 2nd one. It’s an event where they invite you to Microsoft’s HQ to see what they are working on, give feedback, and meet Bill Gates.

Here’s a picture of the Mix n Mash invited attendee’s getting their picture taken with Bill Gates (I somehow got in there, booya!)

From left to right:

Jonathan Snook, Julie Lerman, Kelly Goto, Rob Howard, Bill Gates, Molly Holzschlag, Kip Kniskern, Jesse Warden (me!), Keith Peters and Erik Natzke

Continue reading “Mix n Mash 2k7, Bill Gates, Web, Blend, and Silverlight”

Sydney Elizabeth Warden

Sydney Elizabeth Warden

My new baby girl, Sydney Elizabeth Warden, was born Friday, September 7th at 4:16 pm Eastern time weighing in at 8 pounds (3.6 kilos). Her majesty and baby are now resting at home and doing great. I’m still in shock she’s my daughter, and really excited as well. Being a dad is already really cool.

Gotta say, those medical personnel down at the Northside Hospital’s Women’s Center do phenomenal jobs. Even after delivering an average of 70 babies a day earning them the title of “Baby Factory of the South”, they still retain great attitudes, aren’t desensitized to bringing new life into this world, and really work hard at their jobs as a team. Very impressive.

Not as impressive as my wife, though, holy crap. I’m the luckiest dude on the planet.

Best Bedouin Starbucks in San Francisco?

I’m chaperoning for her majesty in San Francisco Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday while she attends the Usability Week 2007 Conference. I’m on the clock for my current gig and need to knock out a list of bugs. I like working near people, so have been reading the reviews for the various Starbucks in San Fran on Google Maps, but it’s quite overwhelming. In true Bedouin style, I just need a table & chair, decent wireless, and something that looks like coffee. Nearby related demographic is icing.

Can anyone recommend a good Starbucks to work at near the hotel? (map)