Sydney Elizabeth Warden

Sydney Elizabeth Warden

My new baby girl, Sydney Elizabeth Warden, was born Friday, September 7th at 4:16 pm Eastern time weighing in at 8 pounds (3.6 kilos). Her majesty and baby are now resting at home and doing great. I’m still in shock she’s my daughter, and really excited as well. Being a dad is already really cool.

Gotta say, those medical personnel down at the Northside Hospital’s Women’s Center do phenomenal jobs. Even after delivering an average of 70 babies a day earning them the title of “Baby Factory of the South”, they still retain great attitudes, aren’t desensitized to bringing new life into this world, and really work hard at their jobs as a team. Very impressive.

Not as impressive as my wife, though, holy crap. I’m the luckiest dude on the planet.


29 responses to “Sydney Elizabeth Warden”

  1. Leif Wells Avatar

    Congrats to you and Brandy. You guys are going to make great parents!

    Do you think Sydney will slow you down a little?


  2. Nina Avatar

    Oh my goodness!! She is sooo adorable…and alert!! Congrats you guys!!

  3. Russell Myers Avatar

    I think we’ve finally found a little cleric!

  4. John C. Bland II Avatar

    Dude, CONGRATS!

    That video brings back memories [the hospital “cot” was home for me]. :-)

  5. Chad Avatar

    As a proud dad of two myslef… I have to say CONGRATS! Being a dad is a bit crazy (say hello to sleeplessness and lots of drool) but way cool, too.

  6. Campbell Avatar

    Nice work man (well the work was probably mostly your wifes ;) ) Congrats to you both!

  7. Nahuel Avatar

    Congratulations to you and your majesty
    You have a beautiful baby.

  8. Phillip Kerman Avatar
    Phillip Kerman

    Congratulations. It’s pretty cool. I definitely miss the tiny-baby stage, but also, it keeps getting better too.

  9. Robert M. Hall Avatar

    She is beautiful Jesse – congratulations and welcome to fatherhood! All the best the three of you!

  10. Pandu Avatar

    Hi Jesse, my heartiest congratulations dude! Getting promoted to Father is a wonderful experience. One has to go through it to understand its pride. May God bless the little one with lots of love, best health & joy. Congrats again!

  11. Flash Bookmarks Avatar

    Sweet, have a great (sleeplessness) time :)


  12. Mike Britton Avatar

    Congrats Jesse, nice job both of you.

  13. David Della Vecchia Avatar

    Congo rats dude. I hope everything works out for ya.

    Kylie approves of your daughters name :P

  14. Asai Avatar

    Congratulations Jesse (and Brandy),

    I’m a recent daddy, too. My daughter Lyra Melodya is 7 months now and just a joy. I’m sure your daughter will be smart as a whip, brilliant and beautiful. So wonderful, so wonderful.

    I wish all the people of the planet would remember their babies before they pick up their guns…

    Peace to you and your new family.

  15. LordAlex Leon Avatar

    Hey Jessy,

    Congratulations for your new baby!, I see your picture with your daughter and I can’t avoid to feel a million things hehehe, as I am going to be a father too for the first time in less than two months also to a baby girl.

    I wish you all the best, looking forward to exchange some parenthood tips next time I see you.


  16. Matt Stevanus Avatar
    Matt Stevanus

    Congratulations Jesse.

    Be prepared for the ride of a lifetime.

    And best wishes to Her majesty, also.


  17. Frankie Loscavio Avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS to both You and Brandy!

    She is beautiful bro. Kellie and I hope to see you soon. Does she like coffee yet?

    – Frankie Loscavio

  18. Matthew Campbell Avatar
    Matthew Campbell

    Wow you are starting your daughter off to be a famous blogger also ;)

  19. Jonathan Avatar

    Congrats! Love the name…. anything related to MXDU? hmmmmmm. :-)

  20. Bill Napier Avatar


    As a veteran dad of 2 years, all I can say is:
    Hang in there
    Have fun
    Cherish each day
    Sleep when you can
    Don’t work so much

    Uh, sorry to go into full Dear Abbey mode … ;)

  21. Derrick Avatar

    Congrats and enjoy fatherhood. Nothing can be more frustrating and rewarding at the same time, it’s all worth it though. Soak up all the memories cause time will fly by, it has with my 3 kids.

  22. Steven Sacks Avatar

    Congrats man! Welcome to the club (of friends of mine that have babies!)

    She’s a cutie, too. Special thanks to her majesty for carrying her for nine months!

  23. Andrew D. Goodfellow Avatar

    Congrats Jesse and Brandy! She’s beautiful. …and I think that’s the calmest I’ve ever seen you Jesse. I’ll grab you beer if I see you in Chicago at MAX this year. Peace.


  24. Narciso Jaramillo Avatar
    Narciso Jaramillo

    Guess I’m coming late to the party (this is what I get for not keeping up on people’s blogs :)) Congratulations! You’re going to love fatherhood!

  25. erikbianchi Avatar

    Congrats dude!

    Ours was born Sept 20th!


  26. Laura Bianchi Avatar
    Laura Bianchi

    Congratlations!!! I just found out you & Brandi also have a little bundle of joy…she’s beautiful…happy birthday Sydney! Hope you can come out to visit us in Cali soon.


  27. Sydney R. Bennett Avatar
    Sydney R. Bennett

    Wow! I just found out about your new baby! So cute…nice name, btw ;) Congrats to both you and your wife.


  28. Igor Costa Avatar

    Hey dude. Congratulations, didn’t know before now. very happy for that.

    Your baby rocks prett sweet Little warden.

    regards to your family

  29. […] was born at 12:04 pm on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009. Mom and baby are fine. We showed her sister, Sydney, some videos and she’s excited to meet her new […]