Category: JavaScript

  • Encoders and Decoders in TypeScript


    Encoding in our context means converting a type to a string so we can save it to the web browser’s local storage. In soundly typed languages, this operation will never fail, but that is not true in JavaScript which TypeScript compiles to.

  • First UI Story in Angular as a Functional Dev

    After 11 months, I got my 1st UI story. I’ve been doing Back-End for the Front-End stories since we’re a platform team, so 100% of the code you never visually see in the UI, but they affect how it works, so the Acceptance Tests in Cypress still have to pass.

  • Finding Energy to Learn & Build When Burnt Out

    Reminder to be nice to yourself right now if you’re trying and failing to learn new things after work or practice; things aren’t great right now and it’s not your fault. I’ve had multiple people reach out to me the past year and ask how do I find energy and time to learn new tech, or practice by building things.

  • YAGNI For Types

    Noticed a disturbing trend the past 3 years that I’ll often end up with too many/overly verbose types. TDD has helped remove them, but I wonder if there is a TDD you can apply to Type Driven Development?
