Category: JavaScript

  • TypeScript Types Lie & How to Improve Them

    The following covers the unique aspects of TypeScript’s gradual typing, and how this can lead to types that are not accurate and can lead to bugs and runtime exceptions. We also cover ways to utilize the gradual feature of TypeScript to improve those types in an iterative fashion.

  • JavaScript in 2037

    I gave a talk at this years Richmond JavaScript Conference. I always wondered what would JavaScript look like then if many of the TC39 proposals were accepted. Given many take years, if I made the assumption by 2037, the few I wanted were approved, what would JavaScript look like then?

  • Front-End Staff+ Career Paths

    Good video on front-end career path.

    These guys have done some bangers on the nuance around AI for coders. Yes, their titles are click baity, but they have the intelligence, experience, communication skills to produce good content. Three things I want to point out they don’t cover in this video.

  • Encoders and Decoders in TypeScript


    Encoding in our context means converting a type to a string so we can save it to the web browser’s local storage. In soundly typed languages, this operation will never fail, but that is not true in JavaScript which TypeScript compiles to.
