Category: Internet Fads

  • IQ to Candidate Voted Chart

    Via her majesty.

    This thing is full of bs, because there is no way Georgia is 36 out of 50 in the USA for populace IQ. My reasoning is that, after breifly reading the sources, it mentions something about SAT scores. Well, the reason you don’t hear Alabama jokes round here anymore is because we scored 50th in the country for SAT scores last year.

    Regardless, it’s still funny. I love poor losers.

    Oh yeah, comments work again, sorry, turned them off last night cause of blog spam.

  • Homeland Security Designer… er, not

    Via Conman.

    Some designer goes off about how he designs for the Homeland Security, and how he made the logo, and how he helped come up with the coloring system.

    I was more interested in his cow earrings.


  • Dance, Voldo, Dance – Soul Calibur Spoof

    Via Steven Sacks via Milk And Cookies.

    I have this game for Gamecube, and although they didn’t do Voldo’s Exploding Doughnut move, it’s all good. This video is real game footage of 2 Voldos from the Soul Calibur game dancing to Nelly’s Hot in Herrrrr.

    Dance, Voldo, Dance

  • Bush is Dungeon Master in Dungeons & Dragons

    Bush is DM in DnD

    DM Bush: You see an Al Qaeda operative run into the cave… what do you do?
    Cheney of Nebraska: I use magic missle!
    DM Bush: You can’t see him; it’s dark.
    Cheney of Nebraska: …Then I attack the darkness!
    DM Bush: LOL! Ok, you attack the darkness.
    Cheney of Nebraska: I rolled 5. Take that Al Qaeda!
    Sir Rumsfeld: I suggest we smoke ’em out. I gather grass and leaves in large quantities, and I place it by the stinking cave’s entrance.
    DM Bush: The magic missle enrages the Al Qaeda inside the cave. A cleric emerges and casts Curse of Jihad on you. Cheney of Nebraska, you fail your save vs. journalism and lose 2 points of Charisma!
    Cheney of Nebraska: No fair, I had a spell of non-CNN Detection cast… there’s no way they could spot me!
    DM Bush: While Cheney of Nebraska’s pants are on fire, another operative tosses a holy hand grenade of Antioch out of the cave. Sir Rumsfeld, you take 8 points of splash damage!
    Sir Rumsfeld: Screw this, I cast fireball right into that damn cave!
    Blair the Great: :: shouting :: Hey, can I have a Mountain Dew from the fridge?
    DM Bush: Yes, that’s fine!
    Blair the Great: Cool, so I’m at the tavern getting drunk. Are there are any hot girls there?
    DM Bush: Uh… yes, hold on…
    Blair the Great: Well I want to see if they like me. I try to hit on them.
    Cheney of Nebraska: I use my Ring of Bunker Buster at the cave after Rumsfeld’s fireball… time to bring the house down!
    DM Bush: …you can’t, though, your too busy attempting to explain…
    Blair the Great: :: shouting :: Come on, do they like me or what!?
    DM Bush: Er… :: rolls irritatingly :: You get +1 because of your Brit Charm ability… they like you, ok! Now Cheney…
    Blair the Great: Great! I’m getting drunk at the tavern with the girls.
    DM Bush: Fine!
    Sir Rumsfeld: Is the cave collapsed yet, or what?
    Cheney of Nebraska: Yeah, yeah! I use my wand of Osama Detection.
    DM Bush: It’s out of charges… and your preoccupied anyway! And no, the cave is still standing.
    Sir Rumsfeld: This is lame… I’m heading to the tavern to meet up with Tony.
    Cheney of Nebraska: Me too!

    Picture via her majesty via JWZ.