Star Fridays, 360Flex is Done, and 300

They used to be “un-read” Fridays, and then Flagged Fridays, and now that I use GMail for both my personal and hosted POP email, starred Fridays. Basically, on Friday, I check all the email that took longer than 5 seconds to respond to during the week, or just ones that need followups. I don’t always do it on Friday, but I strive to tie up all loose ends for the week. This week was busy despite travelling all day Sunday & today, and being at 360Flex Monday through Wednesday. So, I have to hit 42 emails tomorrow morning. The record is 18. Usually when they get above that, there is no hope. I’m looking forward to that same recruiter that’s been calling my phone all week calling at 9:00am this time instead of 6:00am, haha!

360Flex was cool. I missed the XBox room. It’s always rad to meet the people in the community I know to build up more of a report in person for better communication, to garner more corroboration, and clear up things you’ve been wondering about for awhile. Additionally, it’s great to meet those I’ve never met in person. The one thing I’ve always dug about consulting is meeting new people, and 360Flex was no different. Finally, since I appear to be the only Flexdev on the planet not fully entrenched in employment yet, there were a plethora of start-ups and companies to talk to. It’s neat to get a pulse on what the industry is working on by hearing a variety things that companies are doing with Flex & Flash.

Finally frikin’ got to catch up with Joe Berkovitz. I really wanted to get some answers to my burning questions about certain framework things spawned from my earlier blog entry. Unfortunately, I had didn’t really get the justification I was looking for, and instead got context with regards to understanding his ideas & uses for MVCS, one particular framework style he uses. I was hoping I’d either stump him (not a chance, he outranks me in experience, hah hah ) or he’d relay this wonderful tale of how you can scale certain parts, and encapsulate others. The reality wasn’t that glorious. Instead, he had valid reasons why things work based on his work environment. Specifically, the leadership there following through with expectations on server-side API’s & data, clear communication channels with their customers, and the opportunity for the client developer to have a hand in the server-side.

Those business realities have far reaching implications on why one does not need Delegates in Cairngorm for example. In fact, one could perceive my use of them, if one were in Joe’s position, as a reactionary step to shield yourself from the server-side’s ever changing mess so your model can remain clean within your Commands. If your server-side is clean, gives you what you need, and isn’t changing because of an unstable work-flow, you don’t need Delegates. Unfortunately, I’ve never worked in a place like Joe does, thus I still need to have Delegates. Furthermore, after talking in person, I really got to understand how he uses multiple Controllers in MVCS (real ones, not the Cairngorm namesake). Finally, I realize we’re only getting the condensed, edited story since some things are NDA which I totally understand. His use of modules was quite interesting too. I view them as GUI widgets, while he (paraphrasing badly) uses them as class repositories. You can’t do these things over email; in person just rocks, hence the need for these types of get together’s to really grow to the next level.

BTW, Hamachi is off the chain. Joe showed me some examples, and man… wow, I’m all over that, twice on Sundays.

It’s also funny to hear everyone has their own Flex framework. They don’t advertise it like I would; instead, you have to start acting all high-horse about Cairngorm to get them to talk about it, but that’s all the prodding you need to get the good stuff… alcohol helps too.

I will say speaking here was way better than MAX. I could see the blank stares at MAX on a few faces where others seemed completely bored out of their minds; I knew I was doomed to alienate pretty much half of my audience. Here, however, I got the impression everyone pretty much followed the code, and just wanted to know about the technical logistics behind it as well as the gotchas… which is exactly what you want when you are speaking about this stuff. So, felt a ton better. Grant Skinner pretty much did the same talk I did in the later part of his slides the day before, so I took the opportunity to speak more on the code parts about what you can do right now vs. when CS3 is released and they release Grant’s solution, which is very much needed mind you. I’ll post the links to the details tomorrow.

Finally, got home just in time to catch the History Channel’s special on Sparta’s 300, to tie in with the movie the 300. Pretty cool to get the real history behind it. Pretty much a spoiler to the ending, but as my high school government teacher used to say, “The only news you don’t know is history.” … or something like that.

It’s not blasphemy, it’s not madness. THIS… IS… SPARTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


2 responses to “Star Fridays, 360Flex is Done, and 300”

  1. Chris Rebstock Avatar

    I caught the last half of that history channel special too, I’m psyched about the movie. I’m hoping it will be kind of like Troy, except not stupid and boring.

    Did you notice how the king never seems to talk below a scream? Every scene in the preview they show him, he is always screaming so loud it looks like his jaw is dislocated. Just imagine him trying to order a beer and a cheeseburger, I’d hate to be his waiter.

  2. greg h Avatar
    greg h


    You wrote ‘They don’t advertise it … [but] everyone has their own Flex framework’. I have the same impression about big Flash shops too.

    For instance (the San Francisco design and development firm), has their own MVC architecture that they use on their projects. I have never seen Fluid publicly publish their architecture to the degree that Joe Berkovitz documented his in his Devnet article. However, I saw Andrew Guldman from Fluid present on their MVC architecture at MAX 2006. And just today I found an Acrobat Connect recording where he redelivered his MAX presentation. I highly recommend Andrew’s presentation. You can find it here:

    Best Practices for Developing Flash Applications — Presenter: Andrew Guldman

    btw … If you look in the source code on the Flash MediaPlayback component, you will see that Andrew Guldman wrote it! (I guess then Macromedia outsourced creation of that component to Fluid, along with all of the support classes in mx.controls.streamingmedia.)

    Thank you again Jesse for being such an extraordinary voice in the Flex, Flash, Flash Lite community :-)
