The MediaDisplay component has an onUnload event to ensure the FLV or MP3 it’s playing is closed before the component goes away. If you, however, attempt to create a movie clip/component with the same name in the same frame (or maybe it’s depth), it won’t work. You must wait a frame because the onUnload keeps a reference to the clip and stays around until the next frame. This caused havoc in a speech preso I was doing for school. I implemented a quick and dirty doLater to ensure I had no issues.
function doLater(obj, meth:Function):Void { if(post_mc == null) { createEmptyMovieClip("post_mc", getNextHighestDepth()); } var d:Number = post_mc.getNextHighestDepth(); var ref_mc:MovieClip = post_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("d" + d, d); ref_mc.obj = obj; ref_mc.meth = meth; ref_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { trace("ref_mc calling");; this.removeMovieClip(); }; }
One response to “MediaDisplay’s onUnload of Doom”
Unfortunatey onUnLoad events are a bad thing with the current component arhcitecture.
I blogged about this issue recently here
It stems I think from the fact that the onUnLoad actually fires a frame after the component was unloaded.
So when you try to remove the component and recreate it Flash cant properly remove it instantly as it is holding on to a reference awaiting the next frame.