More Animation Props

My island as she’s coming along… soo many pieces to build and can’t spend more than 4 minutes on each as a rule. Also, the dock I broke my 4 minute rule on. It’s amazing how quick this stuff is to create; I guess that’s why my attention span is still not bored with all of this.

Da Boardwalk

Island Cove


5 responses to “More Animation Props”

  1. Rost Avatar

    Rapid design!
    Ohh.. I love it too =)

  2. Mason Poe Avatar

    lets see some motion comps man!

  3. JesterXL Avatar

    Not until she’s done, homey!

  4. Phillip Kerman Avatar
    Phillip Kerman

    Man discovers the tablet: 2004.

  5. brandy Avatar

    Man discovers the tablet: 2004.
