Docs say it doesn’t, but it does. Here’s my fav; a borderless one!!!
– drag a ScrollPane on stage
– select it and delete it (so it’s in your library)
– draw something big
– select it
– make it a movie clip
– delete it from the stage
– give it a linkage name of “test”
– make a new layer
– put this code on it
attachMovie("ScrollPane", "mc", 0); mc.setSize(100, 100); mc.contentPath = "test"; function onKeyDown() { switch(Key.getCode()){ case Key.LEFT: mc.setStyle("borderStyle", "none"); break; case Key.UP: mc.setStyle("borderStyle", "inset"); break; case Key.RIGHT: mc.setStyle("borderStyle", "outset"); break; case Key.DOWN: mc.setStyle("borderStyle", "solid"); break; } } Key.addListener(this);
– test movie
– pressing “left” arrow key is my favorite; borderless
Funny thing, if you scroll your content to the middle, and then keep pressing down and left, down and left, etc., the content will move slightly. A bug, but no one would really care.
2 responses to “ScrollPane DOES Support Styles”
he he, well done. Fun fun fun
well, dosent work on flash 8.. but how do I style a scrollpane? Script says yes but my eyes says no.. It dosent show any diffrence from orginal style.. I used every action possible.. both in flash 8, cs3 and cs4 so is this some kind of bug?