Rememba’ Da 80’s, JXL Quote, & Backyard Idea

Rather than sacrifice a worthy blog entry to determine if my DNS entries truly have propagated, I’m just submitting rambling… I need to test my re-re-re-re-re-installation of MoveableType.

…oh yeah, and sorry for the construction. “Pardon our progress” as the Baltimore/Washington Airport up in Maryland put it. ‘Course, they said that for 4 years, my site won’t take that long to get all of my files back up!


Rememba’ Da 80’s

I learned confidence from Mr. T,
I learned suave Michael Knight;
Knightrider & A-Team on the TV,
Male role-models to learn from at night.

I learned to laugh at it all from Murdock,
I learned da playa-playa from Face,
‘Course when kit pulled up at the end of da block,
The C button confirmed David Hasselhoff wasn’t chaste.

The Dukes of Hazard did mad doughnuts,
Airwolf kicked chopper skillz,
Daisy Dukes drove our father’s nuts,
While a Dodge Charger flew over streams & hills.

The Unknown Stuntman was your other uncle,
Transformers your future job,
You awed as the Goonies stared at One Eye Willy’s treasure like a carbuncle, …and always wondered how the bullet ratio of GI-JOE didn’t make it more macabre.


Starbucks Friday Night Discussion

“There are only two things I’m sure of life, Erik. One, I can’t live without Brandy. And Two, killing zombies is the only time murder is justified.”
— JesteXL


Dude, I want to put a waterfall in my backyard. However, her majesty doesn’t think that some of the stones will match the brick of our house… so I drew a rendition of a modified pool (cut in half so you can sit on the sides) of it built into our hill. …I don’t know man, I still want rustic, but not sure yet…

Backyard Idea: Attempt 1

Did I mention not having Perl on a website is a fate worse than death? I truly learned I could not live without MoveableType. Rolling my own blogging solution was NOT an option. Too busy for that stuff. It’s funny how my loyalty dies a quick death, though, when it crashes.


5 responses to “Rememba’ Da 80’s, JXL Quote, & Backyard Idea”

  1. Jim Cheng Avatar

    Zombies? It’s not murder if they’re undead…I think.

  2. Erik Bianchi Avatar

    “To constitute murder there must be an intentional infliction upon the person killed of bodily harm involving a high degree of probability that it will result in death.”

    So the question is, when you kill a zombie does it die?

  3. JesterXL Avatar

    It’s already dead.

  4. Erik Bianchi Avatar

    You?re assuming something has to be alive in order to inflict death:

    death: “The termination or extinction of something”

    kill: “To put an end to; extinguish”

    According to those definitions you would be murdering a zombie. However, since it would probably be in self defense I concur with your original statement.

  5. JesterXL Avatar

    The lines blur, too, because I always consider zombie’s merely corpses animated via a virus. Just like body parts, nervers, muscles, etc. can still animate after death, if a virus were to overtake the body wholeheartedly, much like cancer, than it’s pretty much a virus your fighting rather than a former person.