Using the Central AS2 classes that I mentioned in my previous post, I built a simple component using AS2 in Flash MX 2004 exporting to Flash Player I turned it into an app so you could see it work (see bottom right of this page). Also, I’ve included the source files.
D&D Dice Roller – <a href=””>HTML</a> | <a href=””>ZIP</a>
5 responses to “Central App: D&D Dice Roller”
Oh, God, Jesse. Can’t people just roll the dice? Isn’t D&D geeky enough *without* having a computer roll dice for you?
Hehe, it was part of a Flashcom app; I just ganked the code for a quick demo.
wow, if only we have this 10 years ago :)
One thing I would like to see in a 1.1 version is the individual numbers it’s usefull to DM, well sometimes if my PC was under spells they have the biggest or the lowest dice discarded.
also it will be good to have this implemented with the central dev chat so we all can play some d&d toghether …
Working on the latter forever. The former would be easy to implement; cool, thanks for the idea, I’ll see what I can do!
It would be cool if the results came up on top of the old rolls so that you wouldn’t ever have to clear it. Also, it would be nice if there was a scroller. Cool stuff. :)