createTextField STILL Returns Squat

Ok, maybe it’s my fault. I usually push for feature requests once I feel I’ve reached the comfort plateu with the current version of Flash. However, I severely dropped the ball on this one, so I urge you now to please help me rectify the situation.

Please, add a request to the <a href=”″>Flash wish-list</a> for Macromedia to implement a return value for createTextField, that value being the text field just created; similiar to attachMovie/createEmptyMovieClip/mc.duplicateMovieClip.

This is frikin’ ridiculous, and I don’t know how it slipped past in this version of Flash as there, I thought, were many of us befuddled by it in 6. Maybe that was it… a minor annoyance, but not as profound as right click. At any rate, let’s not wait for Flash 9 before this is rectified, please!

<a href=”″>Wish</a>!


4 responses to “createTextField STILL Returns Squat”

  1. Bob Clagett Avatar

    i’m on it man! This bugs the crap out of me too!

  2. Peter Avatar

    Very true Jesse! Its kinda ridiculous having to code your own routine to check if its there or not.

  3. PiXELWiT Avatar

    I agree that this is something Macromedia should fix but in the meantime here’s some code that might help you get by:

    MovieClip.prototype.oldCreateTextField = MovieClip.prototype.createTextField;
    MovieClip.prototype.createTextField = function(name, depth, x, y, width, height){
    this.oldCreateTextField(name, depth, x, y, width, height);
    return this[name];
    var myTF = createTextField(“Cow”, 10, 50, 50, 100, 20);
    myTF.text = “moo”;

  4. JesterXL Avatar

    Prototype fi, never die.

    That’s a prototype I don’t mind using… thank you!